Dear Hope,
I have good news this Advent!
Together we are making progress in all three areas of this ministry-year’s vision. First, to safely share our campus with Bloom Church, Reclamation Church, Bethel Counseling and (beginning in January) Washington Park Early Learning Center along with any other future mission-driven organizations whom we may rent to, this week we replaced the crumbling cement at 3 of our 6 entrances. Second, we have continued to expand our volunteer ministry coordinator team this month with Jeff Griggs officially becoming our Property Manager. Third, we ALL are seeking to identify someone who may not yet have a personal relationship with God so we can pray for and serve them this December and beyond in alignment with the heart of Jesus explained in the podcast we began sharing in recent bulletins. Well done Hope and praise God. This progress is exciting and we have only just begun.
Next, as you consider Hope’s role in your life as well as the lives of others in our community, city and the world, would you please set aside some time to ask God how you can potentially serve, pray for and give in 2025 to empower Hope to help even more people to abide in Jesus? And, will you also ask Him to show you if there is an amount you can give this month as an extra year-end gift to prepare Hope for the year ahead?
On behalf of the elders, staff, volunteer ministry coordinators, missionaries and the whole Hope family, may God bless you and your family this Advent with His presence, guidance and peace!
Dean Wertz | Lead Pastor
ADVENT WEEK THREE | DECEMBER 15 | 9 AM. This week Pastor Dean will bring us the third Advent message titled The Invitation of Our King from Matthew 11:25-30. If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.
Tomorrow | Special Music Opportunity. Calling all adults interested in forming a Holiday Hope Choir! Join in and practice with us after church on tomorrow, Sunday December 15 and next week December 22. Joel will provide sheet music for two Christmas songs for you to take home and practice. Also, you will receive a YouTube video list to help you get the feel for the music.
Hey Kids! Children (and parents) interested in helping with a special song performance (O Little Town of Bethlehem!) this Holiday Season, please join us after church on December 22 to practice a music selection for this year’s Christmas Eve Service.
YOUTH. Join us after the Service on Sunday, December 22 for a festive Youth Group filled with Christmas treats, games, and fun! This is a perfect chance to bring friends and celebrate the season together. This gathering will be the last of the year. Our first meeting in the month of January will be Sunday, January 12. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Conner. We can’t wait to see you soon!
Children’s Advent Drama. Please join us and invite family and friends to our Family Service, December 22. On the 4th Sunday of Advent, the kids of Hope’s Children’s Ministry will be narrating and dramatizing the life of our “Upside-down King”. From his wildly unexpected birth, to the humble way he led and served, to giving up His own life so that the world could have abundant life through Him, expect to be blessed by the good news of our Upside-down King through the eyes of our children.
Children’s Church. This 3rd Sunday of the month, kids ages 3 yrs old to 5th grade are invited to join Children’s Church! We will be learning and practicing a skit on Jesus as our “Upside-down King” for our 4th Sunday of Advent family service. Every child who wants to will have an important role!
Babies and Toddlers. Families with children 0-3 years old are invited to remain in the sanctuary or to use the baby sky box at any point during the service.
For any questions regarding Children’s Ministry policies and procedures or interest in volunteering, please contact Becky Newquist.
GIVING TREE. A big thank you to all who donated gifts and gift cards to our Giving Tree. You have truly been a blessing to families in need and a light in our community.
CHRISTMAS EVE | 5-6pm Service. This year, please join us at a new time – 5pm for our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. We welcome family and friends to this beautiful Service to celebrate the birth of our King!
HOPE GROUPS. Hope Groups are an amazing way to connect to others, deepen your relationship with God, and discover there is a family here for you at Hope. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d love to have you join us! Click here for more information on all our Hope Groups.
UPDATED: COMMUNITY MINISTRY FOOD BANK. Our local food ministry is accepting any staples we can provide. Basically, donations may include anything with a shelf life that has not expired Can you help? All items can be placed in the collection basket in the foyer. Thank you, Hope!
HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need financial assistance, prayer or help in any other way, please reach out to Rebecca Wertz.
NOVEMBER FINANCIAL UPDATE. May God richly bless all of you who pray, serve, encourage and give to equip Hope to help more people abide in Jesus throughout Metro Denver and around the world. For those who have recently joined our community and / or are curious about giving to Hope, you can give online here, mail a check to 1801 S. Logan St. Denver, CO 80210 or use an offering box in the back of the Sanctuary.
We welcome you to visit the resources below!