Posts from November 2022

Bulletin | November 24, 2022

TODAY… TURKEY BOWL! You are invited to join us for hot chocolate, donuts, and flag football on Thanksgiving morning (weather permitting) starting at 9:30 a.m. in the northwest corner of Harvard Gulch Park. This annual tradition is fun for all ages! RSVP: please email Rebecca Wertz or text/call 303-601-2201. Happy Thanksgiving Hope! 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT |  NOVEMBER 27 | 9 AM.…

Bulletin | November 17, 2022

Dear Hope, It’s been a month and a half since you welcomed me back from my 6-week sabbatical. I remain refreshed and increasingly grateful to God for all of your love, support and encouragement to take that significant and renewing break! With time to reflect, my reasons for gratitude have grown including, but not limited to…  The wisdom and guidance I’ve received from…

Bulletin | November 10, 2022

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD | PACKING PARTY THIS SATURDAYNovember 12 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Calling all volunteers to join us in the Commons (enter through the NW door on Colorado Ave.) to help pack shoe boxes with donated items and prepare them for shipping worldwide to children in need!  Lunch will be served, and many hands are welcome (great activity to invite…

Bulletin | November 3, 2022

Fall Festival 2022 Hope Church would like to extend an enormous thank-you to everyone who attended our Fall Festival last Sunday! Everyone who attended was abundantly generous in sharing their great food, great smiles, much laughter and the joy of the Lord. Congratulations to our Costume Contest Winners: Larry and Luanne Hasbrouck as Almond Joy and Mounds (Adults), Foster Cupp as a…