Posts from August 2023

Bulletin | August 25, 2023

For the past few week’s Hope’s Children’s Ministry has been collecting donations for a local elementary school that serves a range of needs. What a joy it is for our children to experience giving in this way. Great job kids! Keep on the lookout for future opportunities to share love to our neighbors! And thank you to everyone who contributed to this…

Bulletin | August 18, 2023

Dear Hope,We believe Jesus guides His people into newly imagined meadows today as he did for our ancient friends along Galilee’s shores in the first century. His path is available to all who will ask, wait and listen. So, asking and patiently listening has been our church’s role this spring and summer. As promised, our Enthroned Jesus has been fulfilling His role…

Bulletin | August 11, 2023

A Great Celebration! Hope would like to extend an enormous thank-you to everyone who attended Jay’s Celebration BBQ this past Sunday. It was wonderful to have nearly 75 people join us – both from Hope and from Jay and Marti’s extended community of family and friends! There was an enormous amount of food, dessert, fellowship and joy as we all shared important…

Bulletin | August 4, 2023

9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP & COMMUNION | AUGUST 6. Loneliness is a desire for human connection while feeling isolated. According to studies from the University of Chicago Medical Department, there is a connection between loneliness and health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diminished sleep quality, increased inflammation and decreased viral immunity. This Sunday, let’s explore God’s life-giving plan that displaces loneliness with…