Bulletin | July 13, 2024

In case you missed last week’s bulletin AND because our Hope Kids are so (!) wonderful… we wanted to share again about our amazing kids and our Hope Kids programming!

Kids and volunteers from Hope gathered 2 week’s ago for a cookout, games, and crafts. We had so much fun with water balloons, bubbles, balls, and just being silly with our friends. We got messy constructing firefly lanterns that each child got to decorate and take home with them to remember God is always with us, lighting our way. One kiddo exclaimed at the end, “This was more fun than summer camp!” 

WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY JULY 14 | 9 AM. Have you ever wondered if God could use you? Maybe you feel you have less to contribute than others. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we explore an amazing moment in the life of Jesus. Though He could have fed 5000 on his own, he chose to heavenize earth in and through a young boy. What a leader we follow. Isn’t He wonderful? Looking forward to worshiping with you! If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.

We hope you have been enjoying the opportunity to listen to the songs for the upcoming service! Click here for the worship music playlist for July 14! 

Children’s Church. This 2nd Sunday of July, kids 3 yrs old – entering 5th grade are invited to Children’s Church. We had so much fun last week, as we explored clues of God’s great love for us. We are going to do the experiential lesson again this SUnday so that more kids can get in on this faith-building fun. We hope you’ll join us for the final week of “Rock Solid Bible Adventures”!

For questions regarding Children’s Ministry policies and procedures or interest in volunteering, please contact Becky Newquist

YOUTH. We’re excited to continue our series on tackling those tough questions that challenge our faith and understanding. Join us this Sunday after the 9 a.m. Service as we dive deeper into our conversations about life’s big questions and explore them together in a safe and supportive environment. Whether you’re wrestling with doubts, seeking answers, or just curious, this is the perfect place to share your thoughts and grow in your faith. See you soon in the Youth Room! 

HOPE GROUPS. Hope Groups are an amazing way to connect to others, deepen your relationship with God, and discover there is a family here for you at Hope. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d love to have you join us! Click herfor more information on all our Hope Groups. 

GIVING. We thank God for the many households who give generously and consistently to Hope Church, resourcing us to fulfill Christ’s mission and vision in our community and around the world! You can give online here, by mailing a check to 1801 S. Logan St. Denver, CO 80210, or by using the offering boxes in the sanctuary.

FOOD BANK. Please consider donating non-expired dry and canned goods to The Community Ministry. All items can be placed in the collection basket in the foyer. Thank you, Hope!

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need financial assistance, please contact Pastor Arik. For prayer or help in any other way, reach out to Tara Farrell.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!