Bulletin | August 3, 2024

Vision/Budget Meeting

All hands on deck – we need you this Sunday after the Service.
After months of praying and planning, we are ready to gather tomorrow to review Hope’s vision and budget for this next year. 

Also, see all that is moving forward in this week’s bulletin below:
The Series on Prayer, A letter from Conner Snow, Hope’s new Youth Minister | Operations Christmas Child’s bake sale | and more

Click here for the vision and budget packet. After you have read/reviewed this document, please click here to vote online by Sunday, August 11. 

WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY AUGUST 4 | 9 AM. On Sunday, Pastor Dean will launch our new August series on PRAYER. This week’s focus will be “Prayer as a Conversation.” Ten Minutes after the service we will meet in the front of the Sanctuary for our annual vision / budget presentation followed by an opportunity to buy delicious goods from the Operation Christmas Child bake sale on our front sidewalk.  All are welcome to stay on after the Service.  If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.

TOMORROW. Bake Sale Bakers & Volunteers Needed.
 Immediately after the service and all-church meeting this Sunday 8/4, we will host a bake sale to raise money for Operation Christmas Child (OCC)’s shoebox shipping costs! This delicious event is an extension of our “Christmas-in-July” focus with OCC. Please bring baked goods to sell and we still need 3 more volunteers to help at the sale. Please contact Joan Thacker with questions or if you can volunteer to help. Thank you! 

We hope you have been enjoying the opportunity to listen to the songs for the upcoming service! Click here for the worship music playlist for August 4! 

NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION. Starting this Sunday, Children’s Church (kids ages 3 – 5th grade) will relocate to the Upper Room. After worship, kids will be dismissed and can exit the west door at the front of the Sanctuary and head up the stairs to the Upper Room. This week, we will be continuing our new series on prayer. We will learn how God delights to hear his children pray through our study of Psalm 29, written by David, a shepherd who loved to talk with God. 
BABIES & TODDLERS  (0-3 years old) are invited to use the baby sky box at any point during the service. 
FURNITURE FOR FREE. Renovation of the Children’s Wing is expected to begin soon, so we are starting to clear out the space for demo. Please enjoy a walk-through of the Children’s Wing after church and take any item labeled, “free” with you this week! For any questions regarding Children’s Ministry policies and procedures or interest in volunteering, please contact Becky Newquist

YOUTH. A Word from Conner Snow, Hope’s New Youth Minister.
Hello Hope Community Church!

I am so thankful to be leading the youth at Hope Church. It is my heart’s desire that we develop a youth ministry that best serves the youth of this community and brings honor to Christ. Dean Wertz and I have developed a plan to work towards that goal. We will follow a three-step process in this order: listen, discern, and implement. Over the next four weeks, I will be engaging in intentional conversations with our students, parents, congregation, and local youth pastors to gather all necessary wisdom and information for the direction of our youth. We want to build a student ministry that the students in our congregation will genuinely enjoy and that will help them learn to serve Christ in a way that best connects with them. Anyone who has insights or concerns is welcome to email, text, or call me at any time.

I will be digesting and discerning all of the insights, concerns, and suggestions to inform the implementation of curriculum and planning in the weeks following this period of listening. Please pray for the Lord to lead and speak during this time.

Join me in developing the student ministry at our church! Reach out by email or cell anytime! 720-984-6454

HOPE GROUPS. Hope Groups are an amazing way to connect to others, deepen your relationship with God, and discover there is a family here for you at Hope. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d love to have you join us! Click herfor more information on all our Hope Groups. 

GIVING. We thank God for the many households who give generously and consistently to Hope Church, resourcing us to fulfill Christ’s mission and vision in our community and around the world! You can give online here, by mailing a check to 1801 S. Logan St. Denver, CO 80210, or by using the offering boxes in the sanctuary.

FOOD BANK. Please consider donating non-expired dry and canned goods to The Community Ministry. All items can be placed in the collection basket in the foyer. Thank you, Hope!

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need financial assistance, prayer or help in any other way, reach out to Tara Farrell.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!