Operation Christmas Child 2024!

Welcome to Hope’s Operation Christmas Child(OCC) Page!
We are so excited to kick-off our OCC project already – Christmas in July!

Please join us on our journey of raising money to send shoeboxes to children all over the world!

August 3, 2024

TOMORROW. Bake Sale Bakers & Volunteers Needed.
Immediately after the service and all-church meeting this Sunday August 4, we will host a bake sale to raise money for Operation Christmas Child (OCC)’s shoebox shipping costs! This delicious event is an extension of our “Christmas-in-July” focus with OCC. Please bring baked goods to sell and we still need 3 more volunteers to help at the sale. Please contact Joan Thacker with questions or if you can volunteer to help. Thank you! 

July 27, 2024

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD | PART ONE. Last Sunday, we kicked off Christmas in July with a fundraiser for Operation Christmas Child(OCC). We raised nearly $200 – wow, thank you for all your participation! It was great fun and such a good way to be reminded of the OCC Shoebox project soon to come! If you would like to donate, click here and select “OCC” in the dropdown menu or write a check to Hope with “OCC” in the memo. If you have any questions about shoeboxes, please reach out to Joan Thacker. Thank you!

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD | PART TWO!  Love making cookies? Brownies? Sweets of any kind? Now is your chance to bake for an amazing cause! We are in need of donated desserts for our upcoming sale to continue to raise money for Operation Christmas Child shipping costs! As an extension to our “Christmas-in-July” focus, we will host a delicious bake sale immediately following the August 4 Sunday Service. That’s one week from tomorrow! We also would love 3 volunteers who can help at the sale. Please contact Joan Thacker and thank you! The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church (like Hope!) to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. For the history of OCC, click here. “Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14, ESV

July 20, 2024

OCC and YOU!

It’s Christmas in July! This week we kicked off a one-month fundraising opportunity to support our long-term partners at Operation Christmas Child(OCC). Thanks to Carol Schmidt and Joan Thacker, we had a special representative from OCC share her first-hand experience of what it’s like for children around the world to receive a shoebox and to hear the gospel for the first time! For the next few weeks, you’ll have the exciting chance to fill shoeboxes, donate supplies, and help us with various fundraisers to cover the cost of shipping for each shoebox we fill. 

This coming Sunday, July 21, we will be having a snow cone and lemonade sale out in front of the glass doors immediately following the service. You can help by volunteering to make snow cones, setup and tear down, or by stopping by and enjoying a sweet treat for yourself!

Keep your eyes open more coming events as we share the gospel with millions around the world, and celebrate Christmas in July!