SUNDAY WORSHIP 9AM. As we experience different administrative approaches in our country and beyond, this Sunday is a great time to consider the administration of our King of Kings. Join us tomorrow for the final message in The Sermon and the Mount Series from Matthew 7:24-29 entitled Astonished by the Wisdom of this Governance. If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY. We are now in a 3-month series on Treasuring the Gospel. Each week, children will be learning about one of 10 essential truths of our faith and becoming a disciple of Jesus. We will be discussing key Scripture through the head, heart, hands approach; engaging kids in understanding through discussion, illustrations, and activities; and sending home a memory verse and discussion prompts to continue discipleship as a family. At the end of the series, every child will take home a treasure box filled with symbols representing each gospel truth and a corresponding key that they will be able to keep and share for years to come. For any questions regarding Children’s Ministry policies and procedures or interest in volunteering, please contact Becky Newquist.
This Week:
Children’s Church – For kids ages 3 yrs old through 5th grade – Gospel Truth #2 – God created people (that’s YOU and ME!) for His Glory
Nursery – Nursery is available on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. This Sunday, familles with babies and toddlers are welcome to remain in the Sanctuary or enjoy some privacy in the Sky Box.
TOMORROW! YOUTH. Youth Group will meet following this Sunday’s Service March 9. Next gathering will be March 23. Looking forward to our time all together! Questions on the Youth ministry? Contact Conner Snow.
HOPE GROUPS. Hope Groups are an amazing way to connect to others, deepen your relationship with God, and discover there is a family here for you at Hope. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d love to have you join us! Click here for more information on all our Hope Groups.
COMMUNITY MINISTRY FOOD BANK. Our local food ministry is accepting any pantry foods with a shelf life that has not expired Can you help? All items can be placed in the collection basket in the foyer. Thank you, Hope!
HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need financial assistance, prayer or help in any other way, please reach out to Rebecca Wertz.
We welcome you to visit the resources below!