Posts by Hope Church (Page 20)

Bulletin | May 20, 2021

As we prepare for this Sunday’s 9 a.m. worship service, please read and meditate on the passage that we will focus on in Pastor’s Dean sermon. We build upon the examples we’ve studied in the Old Testament and now begin to look at how Jesus walked so beautifully and closely with God His (and our) Father.  John 1:1-18 1 In the beginning…

Bulletin | May 13, 2021

Dear Hope,One of the best opportunities we have at Hope is to join one of our small groups (which we call Hope Groups). Hope Groups are where we have a chance to work out our faith in the context of relationships and fellowship. I’ve personally enjoyed all the blessings that come from gathering with our Hope Group, but honestly you don’t really…

Bulletin | May 6, 2021

Preparing for Hope’s Future MOTHER’S DAY | SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | MAY 9.  How and why you walk with God matters to the world around you in a big way! When you, as a follower of Christ, obey God and do what he says in faith (no matter what he asks) others will come to follow God in the same way. This…

Bulletin | April 29, 2021

Arik Stewart | A Pastor with Hope & Seminary Student Did you know that Arik Stewart, Hope’s Executive Pastor and Youth Pastor, grew up attending Hope with his family? One privilege of being in an intergenerational disciple-making church is watching many of our children develop into young adults who follow God’s call in a variety of directions. This week we thank God…

Bulletin | April 22, 2021

Youth in the Booth Did you know that on any given Sunday morning Hope relies on a dozen or more volunteers to keep our service running smoothly? Some volunteers are obvious, such as our worship musicians or kids’ ministry leaders, but some are unsung heroes that you may never notice! Our Tech Coordinator, Kevin McMichael, sits in the back of the Sanctuary…

Bulletin | April 15, 2021

Worship Leader Transition Dear Hope, Psalm 96 declares, sing to the Lord, all the earth and Hope Church loves to sing! So, worship is a big part of life in our community and God has always provided leadership in this area to help us sing to the Lord. As Rob announced on Sunday, we have recently transitioned our worship leadership from Morgan…

Bulletin | April 8, 2021

WELCOME BACK KIDS MINISTRY! Kids Ministry is re-opening on 2nd Sundays, starting this Sunday, April 11th for age 2yrs-5th grade! Pre-registration is required.  Click here to register your child (by 4/10). Click here for more details about what to expect.  Our Kids Ministry Team is excited to provide a safe and worshipful atmosphere for our kids and we are working to add…

Bulletin | April 1, 2021

Easter is a significant day for Hope and the world!Please join us to celebrate on Sunday at 9 a.m. Communion will be served. EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | APRIL 4. We’ve come through a rough stretch. How are you doing? Having seen one-thing-after-another not right in the world, how have you responded? Did you hide and deny, fight to fix and/or…

Bulletin | March 25, 2021

MISSION UPDATE | GREG & LUDMILA PIPER  Perhaps you listened to Pastor Dean’s message a few weeks ago in which he talked about his time as a college student at Moody Bible Institute. He told about another student who invited Dean to come with him to preach and interact with others about Jesus on the streets of Chicago. Surrounded by high rises…

Bulletin | March 18, 2021

WELCOME BACK KIDS MINISTRY! Dear Hope, As I reflect on this past year, I am deeply thankful for how God has sustained the Hope community through all the twists and turns. I’m especially proud of Hope’s kids and parents who have, from the very beginning, adapted to the changes and responded by putting extra effort into remaining united with the church and…