The Children’s Wing! We’ve come so far!
Let’s Celebrate – an OPEN HOUSE INVITE
Please join us this Sunday after the service in the Children’s Wing for a tour and refreshments to celebrate the completion of the Children’s Wing safety and security renovations. All of these renovations were made possible by many generous contributions in our last capital campaign and have significantly elevated the safety and security of our Children’s Ministry. We think it’s important to note that $25,000 were generously given for this effort’s labor and materials! Thank you for your giving which has such a great impact for our children! Thank you to all our volunteers and to Children’s Ministry Director Becky Newquist for leading our children and these important upgrades!
If you would like to support Hope Kids, Hope Youth or other areas of Hope ministries, please click here! Thank you!
The photo collage, above, highlights: Windows installed in each classroom for greater transparency and accountability, Doors with windows installed in each classroom for the same, Classroom numbers on the outside and inside of each classroom for emergency location and Security doors (3 in total) at each entry point to the children’s wing for safety and security. These are locked during Children’s Ministry programing in the Children’s wing. Only parents, CM volunteers, and staff have codes for entry.In addition to providing a more secure area for Hope’s kids, these rooms also host children from two other churches that meet on our campus (Bloom & Reclamation). The upgrades may also prove to be a step toward seeing the West Wing utilized Mon – Fri while it currently sits dark and empty. After several months of considering and planning, we are getting close to signing a lease with a non-profit preschool that has been looking for just the right place for their next chapter. If this partnership comes about it will be a step toward the vision to see our campus used for the good of our community and to generate rental income, the preschool will invest over $550,000 to bring the West Wing up to code, and ALL of our security upgrades will remain in place to serve every child, teacher, and family who enters this beautiful space God has entrusted to us!
“The Wing” in Action!Here is a glimpse into what our amazing facilities offer Hope Kids!Just three weeks ago, the children wrote their names or the phrase, “God is always with us. Believe it” in white crayon and then used water color paint to reveal the words. Our verse for the day was “I am with you always. Even to the end of the age” – Matt 28:20.
Wow! Love this!
Thank you Emma
We’ve loved your help with Hope Youth!
“This Sunday will be my last day as interim youth director. It has been a true blessing to serve our wonderful youth and to walk alongside them in their faith journey. To celebrate, we’ll have snacks and games after the service. Thank you all for your unwavering support and prayers.
With gratitude, Emma Clodfelder”
“Dear Hope, Just over 6 months ago we met and quickly became impressed with our new friend and Hope’s Interim Youth Ministry Director, Emma Clodfelder. Emma loves Jesus and listens attentively to His voice in all of life. When we hired Emma we knew it was for 6 months so we asked her to also keep her eyes open for a potential leader for the future. In addition to faithfully leading Hope’s youth, she introduced us to a good man who also loves Christ and teenagers. On Sunday we will say thank you to Emma and introduce her friend and Hope’s new Youth Pastor, Conner Snow. Next, Emma will head to Texas to pursue a Masters Degree in Biblical History and Archaeology at The Bible Seminary.
Emma, THANK YOU for joining us! THANK YOU for loving our teenagers and supporting their disciple-making parents! THANK YOU for contributing your wisdom, fun, youthful and outside-the-Hope-box perspective with our staff. We love you and look forward to seeing you when you visit Denver in the days ahead!
With gratitude & love,
Dean (for the Hope family)”
WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY JULY 28 | 9 AM. Hope is a FAMILY! Join us TOMORROW at 9 a.m. as all ages will unite in our Sanctuary to sing, pray, thank Emma for leading our youth before she moves to Texas, introduce Conner who will lead our youth moving forward and consider how Jesus said we can be “more blessed.” Pastor Dean will include a teaching for the kids up front, an update on our five annual goals, a glimpse of the vision for next year and a draft budget that has been designed to support the upcoming vision. Afterwards, the Children’s Ministry will host an open house in the West Wing (refreshments included). It’s going to be fun and worshipful so join us for a little bit of this and that! If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY | FAMILY SUNDAY! Every 4th Sunday of the month, kids of all ages are invited to remain in the service with their families. We encourage children to participate in worship and engage in all aspects of the service as they are able. Kids activity packets are provided at the welcome booth. The baby sky box is also available for families with babies and toddlers. For any questions regarding Children’s Ministry policies and procedures or interest in volunteering, please contact Becky Newquist.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD | PART ONE. Last Sunday, we kicked off Christmas in July with a fundraiser for Operation Christmas Child(OCC). We raised nearly $200 – wow, thank you for all your participation! It was great fun and such a good way to be reminded of the OCC Shoebox project soon to come! If you would like to donate, click here and select “OCC” in the dropdown menu or write a check to Hope with “OCC” in the memo. If you have any questions about shoeboxes, please reach out to Joan Thacker. Thank you!
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD | PART TWO! Love making cookies? Brownies? Sweets of any kind? Now is your chance to bake for an amazing cause! We are in need of donated desserts for our upcoming sale to continue to raise money for Operation Christmas Child shipping costs! As an extension to our “Christmas-in-July” focus, we will host a delicious bake sale immediately following the August 4 Sunday Service. That’s one week from tomorrow! We also would love 3 volunteers who can help at the sale. Please contact Joan Thacker and thank you! The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church (like Hope!) to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. For the history of OCC, click here. “Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14, ESV
SANCTUARY UPDATE. Those with the gift of hospitality often rearrange a room for the needs of their guests and the purpose of the gathering. With the completion of our pew-reduction project (each bench has been reduced from 21 feet to 10 ½ feet long) we have options for creating various arrangements in our Sanctuary while maintaining our beautiful and historic oak pews. Thank you to all who donated your time and carpentry skills to help us have an even more relational, reverent and joyful experience in our Sanctuary!
HOPE GROUPS. Hope Groups are an amazing way to connect to others, deepen your relationship with God, and discover there is a family here for you at Hope. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d love to have you join us! Click here for more information on all our Hope Groups.
GIVING. We thank God for the many households who give generously and consistently to Hope Church, resourcing us to fulfill Christ’s mission and vision in our community and around the world! You can give online here, by mailing a check to 1801 S. Logan St. Denver, CO 80210, or by using the offering boxes in the sanctuary.
FOOD BANK. Please consider donating non-expired dry and canned goods to The Community Ministry. All items can be placed in the collection basket in the foyer. Thank you, Hope!
HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need financial assistance, prayer or help in any other way, reach out to Tara Farrell.
We welcome you to visit the resources below!