Bulletin | June 23, 2023



This Sunday, June 25, we will have a Bake Sale before and after church to assist in sending the Hoot Family to Hope Heals Camp. Please plan on helping out Sunday by purchasing goodies (a great gift idea!). And, you still have time to bake and contribute. Kids are especially encouraged to bake a favorite treat (with their parents) to support a friend in Children’s ministry. You can see what others are bringing and sign up to bring a baked good at this link: Children’s Ministry: Hope Heals Bake Sale.

If you would like to learn more information about Hope Heals Camp, or to simply donate to the Hoot Family directly, you can go to their fundraiser page here.

Reach out to Becky Newquist with any questions.


We had a great start recently in beautifying Hope Park and the outside grounds of our property. There is still more work to be done before summer’s end! If you are interested in volunteering during the week or on weekends outside of Sunday mornings, feel free to send an email to Tara, and she would be happy to coordinate with you. Thank you so much!


There is a high demand for food from our Food Bank right now.  They write, “We have empty shelves at Community Ministry and at our warehouse that are ready to be filled.  Non-perishable, practical food such as soup, vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, tomato products, pasta and rice are highly desired.” Please consider donating at this important time. Items can be brought to the collection basket in the Foyer. 

9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | JUNE 25What happens when following Christ doesn’t seem worth it anymore? The author of the Book of Hebrews was writing to a group of people who were thinking of abandoning their faith because of persecution and imprisonment they were facing. Sticking with Jesus was costing them a lot, but the writer makes a case that Jesus is better and has better things for us. We need this exhortation today. No matter what difficulty we face, following Jesus is the only option when we see His Greatness and we understand the rest He wants to give us.This Sunday, one of Hope’s elders, Rob Cupp, will share a message entitled Jesus is Better Rest for Us from Hebrews 3:7-8. If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the recording here.

HOPE GROUPS. The Sunday’s Service will be hosted by the Englewood Hope Group. Thank you Englewood for helping and serving! If you’ve been thinking about joining a Hope group, we’d love to connect with you! Click herfor more information.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY. Kids ages 3 years old – 5th grade are invited to Children’s Church this week! We will be opening our Bibles to the book of Hebrews and learn more about how Jesus understands each of our struggles and is trustworthy source of strength in times of need.

Kids who are interested in contributing to or helping with the Bake Sale after church, please contact Becky for more information.

YOUTH. Students and parents, we will be having Youth Group after service this Sunday – from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m/ and this will be the first in-person installment of our Alpha Youth series! Come prepared to enjoy snacks, a video, and discussion – this week’s topic is “The Cross: Why Did Jesus Die?” Traveling over the summer? No worries! You can watch the Alpha video at home to keep up with the conversation happening at Hope.

FINANCIAL UPDATE. As we continue to thank God for his provision through generous gifts and savings, we are acknowledging our present and ongoing financial deficit, and collectively seeking God’s direction for decreasing our reliance on savings. If, as you pray for Hope, you have any insights to contribute during this collaborative process, please share your ideas with one of our Elders (Jay Oertli, Dan Kaskubar, John Shanks, Rob Cupp or Dean Wertz). If you have questions about our financials, please contact our Executive Pastor Arik Stewart or any of our Elders.

7 PM THURSDAY WORSHIP | ALL INVITED. Calling all those who love to sing and/or play instruments! We are now gathering every Thursday in the Sanctuary from 7 – 9 p.m.. Joel Noble, will be bringing extra instruments and offer casual lessons for those who want to learn to play guitar/ukulele/bass/mandolin/etc! During this time the worship team will also practice for Sunday mornings. Bring your instruments and your favorite worship songs in mind. Some weeks we may even enjoy a meal all together. No RSVPs are required. If you have any questions, please email Joel.

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need prayer, financial assistance, or help in any other way, please reach out to Pastor Arik.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!