Bulletin | May 26, 2023

Thursday Night Worship @ Hope!

Hope would like to welcome you to join us for a Worship Music Evening held every Thursday in the Sanctuary from 7 – 9 pm (the next gathering will be Thursday, June 1). This will not only be a rehearsal time for Sunday mornings, but a time for ANYONE who wants to sing, play instruments, and worship together midweek. Our host, Joel Noble, will be bringing extra instruments and offer casual lessons for folks who want to learn to play guitar/ukulele/bass/mandolin/whatever! Come with your favorite worship songs in mind, and some weeks we may even enjoy a meal all together. No RSVPs are required. If you have any questions, please email Joel.

9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | MAY 28Sometimes we must discern whether to obey God’s Law or our governing officials and their laws. How do we determine which path to choose and how do we do so faithfully? Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. to worship God and consider this question embedded in the story of Esther: When should we disobey civil government civilly? Lead Pastor Dean Wertz will bring us the second message in the mini-series Israel’s Restoration titled When Obedience to God Requires Civil Disobedience from Esther 3:1-6. If you are unable to join us in person,  please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the recording here.

HOPE GROUPS. The Sunday’s Service will be hosted by the On Campus Hope Group. Thanks in advance to this great Hope Group for your help on Sunday! If you’ve been thinking about joining a Hope group, we’d love to connect with you! Click herfor more information.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY. This 4th Sunday of the month is a Family Service, in which children of all ages are invited to participate in worship and teaching along with their families. Activity packets and sermon notes for preschool and elementary aged children will be available at the Welcome Booth. Families with young children are invited to utilize our Baby Sky Box for added privacy. 

YOUTH. Mark your calendars for our first Park Day of the year next Friday, June 2 from 6-9 p.m. we will meet at Hope Park (one block W of Hope on Colorado Ave.) to play games, enjoy food, and spend time outside! Please RSVP with Tara.

SERIES STUDY GUIDE. To purchase a copy of The Story (to accompany our Knowing God church-wide Series), click here: Printed Version |  Ebook Version.

HELP REQUESTED | FOOD BANK DONATIONS.  There is a high demand for food from our Food Bank right now.  They write, “We have empty shelves at Community Ministry and at our warehouse that are ready to be filled.  Non-perishable, practical food such as soup, vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, tomato products, pasta and rice are highly desired.” Please consider donating at this important time. Items can be brought to the collection basket in the Foyer. 

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need prayer, financial assistance, or help in any other way, please reach out to Pastor Jay here.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!