Bulletin (Page 24)

Bulletin | August 20, 2020

VISION FOR 2021 LETTER & VOTE ON BUDGET HEREView last week’s video here. SUNDAY SERVICE. Click the livestream image above on Sunday at 9 a.m. to join us for worship as we continue our series on the Holy Spirit with a message from Dana Yost. Following the service, the recorded video will be posted on the livestream page for the duration of the…

Bulletin | August 15, 2020

VISION FOR 2021 & VOTE ON BUDGET HERE SUNDAY SERVICE. Click the livestream image above on Sunday at 9 a.m. to join us for worship and a message from Lead Pastor Dean Wertz. Following the service, the recorded video will be posted on the livestream page for the duration of the week. Click here for all Hope services and archived bulletins.  SUNDAY EVENING…

Bulletin | August 6, 2020

  SUNDAY SERVICE. Click the livestream image above on Sunday at 9 a.m. to join us for worship and a message from Adult Ministry Pastor Rob Cupp. Following the service, the recorded video will be posted on the livestream page for the duration of the week. All archived Hope services are located here. KIDS.— Print Ahead: Holy Spirit – Ezekiel Activity Packet—…

Bulletin | July 31, 2020

Hope at Home will CHANGE from pre-recording to LIVESTREAM. On Sunday, August 9, we will begin hosting our worship service online live at 9 a.m. rather than making the pre-recorded services available on Saturday nights. We will share information in next week’s bulletin about how to access the livestream services on Sundays at 9 a.m. or afterwards. For those who would like…

Bulletin | July 23, 2020

HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home Sunday service from last week. Join us this Sunday for a message from Lead Pastor Dean Wertz.   HOPE AT HOME KIDS.— Print Ahead: Prayer Notes for Kids and Love and Trust Activity Page— If you have questions or feedback regarding Hope’s Kids Ministry please email Anna McMichael, Kids Ministry Director. YOUTH. Through July, we will…

Bulletin | July 16, 2020

Greetings Hope, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3 Often things in our daily lives…

Bulletin | July 9, 2020

Dear Hope, During a typical summer, many of us take our annual vacations, visit and celebrate with family, and enjoy the longer days with a variety of activities. However, this summer has proven to be quite different. Travel plans have changed. Quarantine ensues. And, we wear masks for the most routine errands. During this unusual season, we are praying that you find…

Bulletin | July 2, 2020

Hope, Greetings and love to all in the Hope family. We pray that you are staying healthy and enjoying God’s favor during this extended and unusual season. As previously mentioned, the staff has been working on how to safely gather on Sundays with the guidelines published by the state. We are aware that within the Hope Community we have those who want…

Bulletin | June 25, 2020

Watch the video above to hear about an exciting addition to Hope’s Staff! HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home Sunday service from last week. Join us this Sunday for a message from Lead Pastor Dean Wertz as we continue our series on the The Holy Spirit. TRANSITION PLANNING. In light of Colorado’s latest guidelines for houses of worship, our smaller…

Bulletin | June 18, 2020

Dear Hope In light of our world’s conversation about race, I’m encouraged to hear how many of you are listening and learning from people of other ethnicities while you abide in Jesus and His love. May God continue to give us all eyes to see and ears to hear as we seek to align our lives and His church with His vision…