Bulletin (Page 25)

Bulletin | June 11, 2020

Dear Hope,In light of George Floyd’s death followed by our nation’s conversation about race, now is the time for all of us who abide in Jesus to grow in our love for people of all ethnicities. Please join us this weekend for our Hope at Home video service as we worship God and seek His guidance for how we can pray and…

Bulletin | June 4, 2020

HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home Pentecost Sunday service from last week. Join us this Sunday for a message from Lead Pastor Dean Wertz from Romans 8:18-27.HOPE AT HOME KIDS.— Print ahead: Holy Spirit Activity Packet — Extra Craft for before or after Hope at Home: Holy Spirit Windsock Craft— Parents, The Kids Ministry Leadership Team is continuing to pray for each…

Bulletin | May 28, 2020

INPUT? As mentioned in the video above, please consider sharing transitional values with Dean. dean@hopechurchdenver.org720-329-0317 HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home Ascension Sunday service from last week. Join us this Pentecost Sunday for a message from Adult Ministry Pastor Rob Cupp. We will be celebrating communion, so if possible, please have bread and juice available when you watch this weekend’s Hope…

Bulletin | May 21, 2020

  If you are unable to view the above video, please click here to view within Vimeo. If you have continued issues, please try another browser, update your browser to the latest version, watch the video on your phone, or email us and we can try to assist you!   BULLETIN | May 21, 2020 HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at…

Bulletin | May 14, 2020

If you are unable to view the above video, please click here to view within Vimeo. If you have continued issues, please try another browser, update your browser to the latest version, watch the video on your phone, or email us and we can try to assist you!   BULLETIN | May 14, 2020 HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home…

Bulletin | May 7, 2020

Hi Hope,Along with this week’s bulletin, I’m sharing an excerpt from my journal (yikes!) from earlier this week. Feel free to eavesdrop on your way to the important information below. “Good morning Father, Son and Holy Spirit,… This Friday I will join a webinar called, Considering When & How to Reopen Your Church. Please give me wisdom because some great questions are…

Bulletin | April 30, 2020

If you are unable to view the above video, please click here to view within Vimeo. If you have continued issues, please try another browser, update your browser to the latest version, watch the video on your phone, or email us and we can try to assist you! BULLETIN | April 30, 2020 HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home service…

Bulletin | April 23, 2020

BULLETIN | April 23, 2020 DENVER PRAYS:  Email dean@hopechurchdenver.org to receive the Zoom login to pray for one hour with Hope at 9 a.m. MT on Sunday. This prayer time is a part of Denver Prays, a 3-Day virtual prayer meeting including over 75 churches stretching from Friday, April 24, 12:01 a.m. to Sunday, April 26 Midnight. Dan Kaskubar, one of Hope’s elders, will be…

Bulletin | April 16, 2020

If you are unable to view the above video, please click here to view within Vimeo. If you have continued issues, please try another browser, update your browser to the latest version, watch the video on your phone, or email us and we can try to assist you! BULLETIN | April 16, 2020 HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home service from last week.  HOPE…

Bulletin | April 9, 2020

  If you are unable to view the above video, please click here to view within Vimeo. If you have continued issues, please try another browser, update your browser to the latest version, watch the video on your phone, or email us and we can try to assist you! BULLETIN | April 9, 2020 MAUNDY THURSDAY. As we remember the eve of…