
“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Did you ever think someone would love you enough to risk (or lose!) their life for you? Jesus did exactly this. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the world (including those of you and I). What He offers in this amazing act of love is a free gift –  a life of hope that is never ending. This is a lot to take in, and may even seem impossible, but the foundation of the Christian is this belief that we have life in Him because of this amazing sacrifice. We can lay our past wrongs, anxieties and concerns down and simply accept what He offers at any point. Hope Church is here to be along side of you as you explore this concept of abundant life. As you navigate these concepts, and find yourself a home church, often membership is offered to you as a way to publicly be a part of group that believes and upholds the values of Jesus. Our membership is described below. Thank you and we anticipate getting to know you and supporting you in your journey of freedom through Jesus!

While “church membership” can be a confusing distinction, we reserve it for those who would like to affirm their commitment to Hope Church in a special way. In addition, it satisfies the necessary state requirements to maintain our non-profit status. Members gather periodically outside of Sunday mornings to spend time in fellowship, hear important updates, provide input, cast votes to approve our elder (governing) board members, budgets, and other matters critical to the organization, structure, and mission of Hope. To learn more about membership, please contact Paul Barr.