July 20, 2024

OCC and YOU!

It’s Christmas in July! This week we kicked off a one-month fundraising opportunity to support our long-term partners at Operation Christmas Child(OCC). Thanks to Carol Schmidt and Joan Thacker, we had a special representative from OCC share her first-hand experience of what it’s like for children around the world to receive a shoebox and to hear the gospel for the first time! For the next few weeks, you’ll have the exciting chance to fill shoeboxes, donate supplies, and help us with various fundraisers to cover the cost of shipping for each shoebox we fill. 

This coming Sunday, July 21, we will be having a snow cone and lemonade sale out in front of the glass doors immediately following the service. You can help by volunteering to make snow cones, setup and tear down, or by stopping by and enjoying a sweet treat for yourself!

Keep your eyes open more coming events as we share the gospel with millions around the world, and celebrate Christmas in July!

What we read in-between the lines of the Bible tells us a lot about how we perceive and experience God. In Peter’s denial of Jesus, Luke shares that Jesus looks at Peter right after his 3 denials. We can’t know what Jesus’ expression was at the time. By reflecting on what I assumed about his expression, I’ve uncovered some false beliefs I have about God and how He relates to me. Praise God He’s full of kindness – way more than I give him credit for. Join us this week as one of Hope’s Elders’ Dan Kaskubar brings us a sermon titled Peter’s Denial: An Inkblot Test for How We Experience God from Luke 22:54-62. If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.

Children’s Church. God delights in relationship with His children. That relationship includes conversation! But how do we talk to God? How do we hear God? We will be exploring those questions and more on the topic of prayer in the coming weeks at Children’s Church. Kids ages 3 yrs old to 5th grade, we hope you join us this Sunday as we study Joshua 10 and learn how Joshua prayed because he depended on God.
Nursery. The nursery is available this week, and every 1st and 3rd Sunday, for younger children, 0-2 yrs old.
For questions regarding Children’s Ministry policies and procedures or interest in volunteering, please contact Becky Newquist

CHANGING IT UP | THANK YOU! Thank you to a great group of volunteers who worked hard last week to provide a new Sanctuary layout for a stronger sense of community. We love the new pew arrangement!

We hope you have been enjoying the opportunity to listen to the songs for the upcoming service! Click here for the worship music playlist for July 21! 

HOPE GROUPS. Hope Groups are an amazing way to connect to others, deepen your relationship with God, and discover there is a family here for you at Hope. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d love to have you join us! Click herfor more information on all our Hope Groups. 

GIVING. We thank God for the many households who give generously and consistently to Hope Church, resourcing us to fulfill Christ’s mission and vision in our community and around the world! You can give online here, by mailing a check to 1801 S. Logan St. Denver, CO 80210, or by using the offering boxes in the sanctuary.

FOOD BANK. Please consider donating non-expired dry and canned goods to The Community Ministry. All items can be placed in the collection basket in the foyer. Thank you, Hope!

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need financial assistance, prayer or help in any other way, reach out to Tara Farrell.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!