Bulletins (Page 3)

Bulletin | December 15, 2023

Thank you to everyone (near and far!) who participated in our Giving Tree to bless 3 families in need at Asbury Elementary school this Christmas! Collectively, we gifted 12 special gifts for children, and 8 gift cards to cover the cost of a Christmas meal for the families. The light of Jesus shines brightly through your time and generosity. The PTO at…

Bulletin | December 8, 2023

THERE’S STILL TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE! If you are looking for an opportunity to bless kids in a local school this Christmas season, please stop by our Giving Tree in the foyer. There you will find ornaments labeled with a gift or gift card for a specific child or family at Asbury Elementary, who otherwise might go without…

Bulletin | December 1, 2023

1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT | 9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | DECEMBER 3.  C. S. Lewis wrote, “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him.” Yet the fast pace of December can easily crowd out our experience of God’s presence. May this year be different! Join us at 9 a.m. each Sunday this month…

Bulletin | November 24, 2023

9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | NOVEMBER 26. The Future is something we don’t control. For some it is something to look forward to. For others it is something to fear. As disciples of Jesus we have a future to be hopeful and excited about – Heaven! But, we are not there yet. How can we live well now with our heavenly future in…

Bulletin | November 17, 2023

You are invited to join us for hot chocolate, donuts, and flag football on Thanksgiving morning (weather permitting) starting at 9:30 – 11 a.m. in the northwest corner of Harvard Gulch Park. This annual tradition is fun for all ages! RSVP: please email Rebecca Wertz or text/call 303-601-2201. Happy Thanksgiving, Hope! 9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | NOVEMBER 19. Continuing our series, The Relevance…

Bulletin | November 10, 2023

    Dear Hope,    Many of you have the privilege of knowing Pauline and Woody Haines. I have not until a recent phone call and a friendship that developed in just a fraction of an hour. A few months ago, Dean asked that I reach out to meet Pauline, hear her recent journey with cancer and share her story with you – a story…

Bulletin | November 3, 2023

Fall Festival & Coat Drive: A Success! Dear Hope,  I would like to personally extend an enormous thank-you to everyone who joined us for the Fall Festival this past Sunday. This year was even more amazing than last year, in no small part due to our our partnership with Reclamation Church (who rents the Sanctuary on Sunday evenings). We saw a lot…

Bulletin | October 27, 2023

Our Fall Festival is Sunday! Please invite friends, family & neighbors! 9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | OCTOBER 29.  The identifying symbol for Christ and His followers is the cross. A vertical and a horizontal beam. Engraved in marble, forged from gold, embossed in leather, carved from wood and suspended before worshipers. Like the silhouette of an electric chair, a hangman’s noose or a guillotine,…

Bulletin | October 20, 2023

Dear Hope, This Sunday we are having a bake sale after church! Hope, we need you to donate baked goods and be ready to purchase some amazing treats! Why? We have already packed 189 Operation Christmas Child boxes for this year, but now we need to raise money to ship the boxes. We still need to raise $1,250.00 to be able ship all the boxes.…

Bulletin | October 13, 2023

Dear Hope, The room was quiet for a long time. Minutes earlier I had said to those in our living room during Wednesday night’s Hope Group gathering, let’s pray for Israel in light of Hamas’ surprise attack last weekend. Let’s pray for the families of those who were killed, the hostages, the declaration of war, the Palestinian civilians living in Gaza, wisdom…