Sunday Service In-Person Guidelines

We are presently gathering for worship each Sunday at 9 a.m. In order to meet in person, we are following the below guidelines. 

May 15, 2021
Dear Hope,

We learned last night from Governor Polis and Mayor Hancock that tomorrow Sunday May 16, 2021, nearly all of the mandated COVID-19 restrictions for gatherings in Colorado and Denver will be lifted. This includes the removal of required mask wearing and social distancing for vaccinated, partially vaccinated and non-vaccinated people of all ages. Both officials are suggesting but not requiring that those who are partially vaccinated or not vaccinated wear masks and social distance.

While all of us in Christ have the same Lord, we have learned this year that many within our church have different opinions about gathering, vaccines, protocols and more. So, in light of the changes in these requirements, we want to let you know our Sunday morning plan, beginning tomorrow and continuing until further notice, so you can plan accordingly.

         The Following will Remain

  • Christ-like love, honor and respect for everyone in our community.
  • Upon arrival, you will be checked-in by a greeter for contact tracing purposes.
  • Though not required by the state or city, to honor those who are more comfortable gathering with distance between households, we will continue for now, to sit on the red pew cushions which will allow 6-8′ of space between each household during the service.
  • If you or someone in your household has any Covid-19 related symptoms, please stay home and join us through our live-streamed service from home.

    The Following will Change

  • Masks are not required inside or outside the building. Those who chose to wear a mask per the recommendations referred to above and/or for any other reason are free, but not required, to do so.
  • Physical distancing before and after the service is not required inside or outside the building. Those who chose to physically distance per the recommendations referred to above and/or for any other reason are free, but not required, to do so.

    If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to any one on our staff (my email & phone # is below). Thank you Hope for seeking the safety and best for others and for displaying the many fruit of the Spirit, especially the final 3, throughout this ongoing C-19 journey.

    In light of this plan, we envision our gathering including some with masks and some without, some distancing and some not. We encourage you to pray and consider all of the factors that matter to you and your household as you consider joining us. Regardless of how you are led, you can expect to be honored and respected by our leaders and all who call Hope their church family!
  • faithfulness to walk as each person and household discerns God’s guidance,
  • gentleness toward those who discern God’s guidance differently than we and
  • self-control to remain, with the Holy Spirit’s help, faithful personally and gentle toward one another.

    With love and excitement to worship our ONE LORD together in-person or online at 9 a.m. tomorrow!

    Dean Wertz
    Lead Pastor
    Hope Community Church
    (720) 329-0317