Bulletin | December 9, 2021


Please join us to celebrate Jesus’ birth on Friday, December 24 at 6:30 p.m. Our Christmas Eve service will include singing, candle lighting and a brief message from Dean Wertz. Invite friends and bring your family. 

YEAR-END GIVING | HOPE NEEDS YOU! Thank you so much to those who are giving to Hope! We now need everyone to consider joining with us in three ways so we can continue to thrive in our mission in 2022. 
1. For those who you are not in the habit of giving to the ministry of Hope, could you begin giving on a regular basis in 2022?
2. For those who have been given the financial capacity, could you increase giving in 2022?
3. For EVERYONE, would you pray about giving an extra generous offering by December 31 to assist in our present financial need? 

  November YTD (Sept-Nov)
Income 16,000 57,000
Expense 27,000 79,000
  (9,000) (22,000)

You can give to Hope by using our offering boxes; mailing a check to Hope Community Church, 1801 South Logan Street, Denver, CO 80210; or using our online giving platform. If you are led to give a year-end gift, please ensure your check is delivered to Hope or give online by midnight Friday, December 31. Thank you!

ADVENT SUNDAY | WORSHIP 9 AM | DECEMBER 12. When Joseph discovered that his betrothed wife, Mary, was with child, he quickly thought of two options. Later, in a more restful posture, God revealed a third way, God’s way. God is always willing to unveil His plan to those who resist the initial impulse to act without divine knowledge. In this message, we will learn how to wait attentively for God’s guidance as we anticipate the upcoming arrival of Jesus! Join us for the third Sunday in Advent as Pastor Dean brings us a message entitled Waiting Attentively from Matthew 1:18-25. Join us in person or online (live and recorded service).

HOSTING. This week’s Sunday Gathering will be hosted by the Platt Park Hope Group.

COVID-19 PROTOCOL UPDATE. In light of Denver’s recently-reinstituted mask mandate, we ask that you wear a mask while inside Hope’s building. Our staff continues to provides heightened sanitation and ventilation measures throughout the building and is providing masks and hand sanitizer at all entrances and exits.

YOUTH. Do you love gingerbread houses? Come and join our Youth Hope Group this Sunday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. to decorate and create your own gingerbread masterpiece! There will be plenty of candy, snacks, music, and fun as we celebrate the Christmas season together. Text Tara at 719-464-6812 if you plan on participating. We can’t wait to see you!


  • KIDS MINISTRY. Sunday School for ages 2 years-5th grade is available on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays of each month. Children of all ages are invited to remain in the sanctuary to learn and worship alongside their parents on the 4th and 5th Sundays. The Skybox is available for families with toddlers and babies. 
  • FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP FRAMEWORK. Head, Heart, Hands. Parents, This is a simple framework for exploring the Scriptures as a family and opening up meaningful conversations with everyone in the family…even in the midst of our busy lives!

SENIOR WOMEN & FRIENDS CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON. During this beautiful and joyful Christmas season, we remember and rejoice at the birth of our Savior! What a wonderful opportunity we have to gather in person for this year’s Christmas luncheon! We would like to invite you and your friends to enjoy a delicious meal with us at Perkins Restaurant. Tuesday, December 14th, 11:30 a.m. at 1995 South Colorado Blvd. You may choose your meal from the menu, and Hope will be happy to pay the tax and gratuity. Please sign up at the Information Booth or call Marti Oertli at 720-220-2224 with your reservations &/or questions. We look forward to a special and delightful time of sharing our love and our hearts while enjoying a great meal together! You won’t want to miss this special event! See you on December 14th at Perkins!

HOLIDAY FOCUS | FOOD BANK COLLECTION. The Community Ministry Food Bank is now collecting food for Christmas food boxes. Please consider donating stuffing, pie crust mix, evaporated milk, cranberries, cake and frosting. A collection basket is in the Foyer. Thank you!

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need prayer, financial assistance, or help in any other way, please reach out to Pastor Jay here.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!