Bulletin | July 7, 2023

Hope Campus Continues to Improve… Reclamation Church (who meets on campus on Sunday nights) volunteered recently and wow –  we love the new mulch at Hope Park and in front of the church! Thank you so much!



9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP & COMMUNION | JULY 9. By better understanding the ancient Israelite sacrificial system, we can better comprehend the tremendous cost and consequences associated with our sin. This allows us to better understand the tremendous sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and what that means for us as followers of Jesus today! This Sunday, Denver Seminary student Tyler Peterson brings us a message titled Jesus: The Superior Sacrifice from Hebrews 9:1-15. If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the recording here.

HOPE GROUPS. The Sunday’s Service will be hosted by the On Campus Hope Group. Thank you to this great Hope Group for helping and serving! If you’ve been thinking about joining a Hope group, we’d love to connect with you! Click herfor more information.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH. This 2nd Sunday of the July, kids ages 3 yrs old – entering 5th grade are invited to participate in Children’s Church following worship. This week, we will be exploring what the Bible has to say about the love of God and how that influences how we love one another. Parents, if you would like to read with your children ahead of time or discuss throughout the week, our passage is 1 John 4:7-21.

HIKE @ ROXBOROUGH. Monday, July 10 @ 9:00 a.m.  kids, parents, and volunteers of Children’s Ministry are welcome for a group hike and picnic at Roxborough State Park. We will meet at the Visitor’s Center at 9:00 a.m. and venture out on a trail accessible for all abilities.  Contact Becky to RSVP or with any questions. 

YOUTH. Join us this Sunday, July 9, for Youth Group after service! We will meet from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. in our youth room down the hall to enjoy snacks, games and the next installment in our Alpha Youth series. This week’s topic is Prayer: Why and How Do I Pray? Traveling over the summer? No worries! You can watch this week’s Alpha video at home to keep up with the conversation happening at Hope.

FINANCIAL UPDATE. As we continue to thank God for his provision through generous gifts and savings, we are acknowledging our present and ongoing financial deficit, and collectively seeking God’s direction for decreasing our reliance on savings. If, as you pray for Hope, you have any insights to contribute during this collaborative process, please share your ideas with one of our Elders (Jay Oertli, Dan Kaskubar, John Shanks, Rob Cupp or Dean Wertz). If you have questions about our financials, please contact our Executive Pastor Arik Stewart or any of our Elders.

JOIN THE WORSHIP TEAM! The worship team would like to have more vocalists consider joining the group. Practices are Thursday evenings and female voices are especially welcome to balance the worship team. We’d love to sing with you! Please contact Joel Noble if interested and thank you!

7 PM THURSDAY WORSHIP | ALL INVITED. Calling all those who love to sing and/or play instruments! We are now gathering every Thursday in the Sanctuary from 7 – 9 p.m. Joel Noble, will be bringing extra instruments and offer casual lessons for those who want to learn to play guitar/ukulele/bass/mandolin/etc! During this time the worship team will also practice for Sunday mornings. Bring your instruments and your favorite worship songs in mind. Some weeks we may even enjoy a meal all together. No RSVPs are required. If you have any questions, please email Joel.

FOOD BANK DONATIONS NEEDED. There is a high demand for food from our Food Bank right now.  They write, “We have empty shelves at Community Ministry and at our warehouse that are ready to be filled.  Non-perishable, practical food such as soup, vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, tomato products, pasta and rice are highly desired.” Please consider donating at this important time. Items can be brought to the collection basket in the Foyer. 

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need prayer, financial assistance, or help in any other way, please reach out to Pastor Arik.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!