Bulletin | May 19, 2023


9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | MAY 21We’re busy. There are so many things we have to do to keep our lives running. They were busy. There were so many things the people of Judah had to do restart their lives and keep them running when they returned from Babylon to Jerusalem. God knew it. He knew they were busy. He knew there were so many things they had to do. But he asked them to prioritize doing the things that would fulfill his redemptive mission and trust him to provide for them. Join us Sunday at 9 a.m. as we worship God, consider how he called the people of Judah to participate in his mission, and consider how he is calling each of us to participate. Executive Pastor Arik Stewart will bring us the first message in the mini-series Israel’s Restoration titled Seek First the Kingdom from Haggai 1:2-9. If you are unable to join us in person, join Hope via livestream or view the recording here.

Kids ages 3 yrs old – 5th grade are invited to Children’s Church this week to learn about the return of God’s people to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the temple. We will talk about what it means to follow the One true God and build a temple replica as a team, as the Israelite’s did.
NURSERY. The nursery is available this 3rd Sunday of the month for children ages 0-3 years old. Babies and toddlers will be cared for by two trained volunteers and enjoy playing, music, and story time. 
PRAYER. Parents in Prayer is rescheduled for Wednesday May 31 at 9 a.m.. Please RSVP to Becky if you are planning to attend. Location TBD by those planning to join. 

Dear Hope Church Thanks for all your help and support for the May 10th packing party. It was a wonderful outpouring of support and love for children all around the world with the gospel added to each box. We packed 189 boxes. If you would like to donate toward the shipping costs of the boxes  please send a check made out to Hope Community Church. In the For line include the statement: For Operation Christmas Child. Thanks again for all the love and support, Carol Schmidt

YOUTH. Mark your calendars for our first Park Day of the year – Friday, June 2 from 6-9 p.m. we will meet at Hope Park (one block W of Hope on Colorado Ave.) to play games, enjoy food, and spend time outside! Please RSVP with Tara.

FINANCIAL UPDATE. As we continue to thank God for his provision through generous gifts and savings, we are acknowledging our present and ongoing financial deficit, and collectively seeking God’s direction for decreasing our reliance on savings. If, as you pray for Hope, you have any insights to contribute during this collaborative process, please share your ideas with one of our Elders (Jay Oertli, Dan Kaskubar, John Shanks, Rob Cupp or Dean Wertz). If you have questions about our financials, please contact our Executive Pastor Arik Stewart or any of our Elders.

SERIES STUDY GUIDE. To purchase a copy of The Story (to accompany our Knowing God church-wide Series), click here: Printed Version |  Ebook Version.

HELP REQUESTED | FOOD BANK DONATIONS.  There is a high demand for food from our Food Bank right now.  They write, “We have empty shelves at Community Ministry and at our warehouse that are ready to be filled.  Non-perishable, practical food such as soup, vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, tomato products, pasta and rice are highly desired.” Please consider donating at this important time. Items can be brought to the collection basket in the Foyer. 

HOPE GROUPS. If you’ve been thinking about joining a Hope group, we’d love to connect with you! Click herfor more information.

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need prayer, financial assistance, or help in any other way, please reach out to Pastor Jay here.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!