Platt Park Easter Egg Hunt at Home | Egg Pick Up

Happy Easter! This year, as our community practices social distancing, Hope would love to offer our Platt Park neighbors an opportunity for an egg hunt!

Let’s hunt at home!

Pick up your free plastic eggs* (filled with candy!) on Friday, April 10 from 4-6 p.m. on the North side near the front entrance of the church building (please allow 6 feet between you and others and bring a bag from home to transport eggs). You are are welcome to pick up eggs to give to your neighbors and friends as well! Hope Community Church – 1801 S. Logan Street. Those who attend Hope Church will be receiving eggs via home delivery, so no need to pick up on Friday.

If you want to snap a photo to share, email us your pictures (with written permission to post online).

Thank you and have a healthy and happy Easter!

*Please note: Eggs are pre-filled with candy and stickers and were packed four weeks ago. This past week, they were bagged by one volunteer wearing gloves and a mask. We encourage parents to use your own cleaning process according to your own standards.