A Request & Thank-You Note from Dean

Dear Hope Family,

As many of you know, December is an important financial month for our church. For the past few years, we have been blessed to finish each ministry year (Sept. 1 – Aug. 31) in a cash positive position. The charts below illustrate that this is because so many of you give generously throughout the year and offer an extra generous sacrificial gift each December.

So, I have a request this December. Whether you are a regular contributor or just beginning to learn about giving to a local church, would you please consider and pray about joining many of Hope’s leaders by giving an extra offering this December? If you are led to give an extra gift you may bring it to one of the offering boxes in the Sanctuary, mail it in to 1801 S. Logan St. Denver, CO 80210 or transfer funds online.

Also, as we approach the end of 2016, thank you for serving, praying and giving to offer help and hope to many throughout Denver and among the nations!

  • Last week a new friend and her husband who live in Platt Park were describing how God is drawing them back to Himself. They mentioned some of you by name who have reached out and then she said, “I have hope again now that we are connecting with God and the people of Hope!”
  • Monday I received the following note from the Shums who have followed Christ from Harvard Gulch to North Africa, “… we’re so thankful for the times we had to visit Hope this fall, to see everyone and share what the Lord is doing in North Africa. It’s a great church family and we’re blessed to be a part of it! So neat to see the younger generation coming into leadership and serving too.”

Collectively you pray, write letters, hold babies, train children, mentor youth, open your homes, lead groups and services, listen to God, are attentive to people, maintain our boilers, vacuum carpets, bring meals to homes, mop flooded basements for one another, show co-workers and classmates the way of Jesus, hospitably bless other churches with our 31,000 sq. disciple making campus, take Jesus to people of other ethnicities by sending and/or going, visit those who are home bound and the list goes on.

Because of our collective investments, Hope is resourced to create environments for children, youth and adults to worship, pray, receive teaching, connect in groups, receive 1 on 1 prayer ministry, provide for those needing food and housing, support several missionary families around the world and more.

So, on behalf of our staff and elders as well as the many people who have been blessed by you, thank you for your generous giving, praying and serving throughout 2016!

As we continue to learn, this December and beyond, how to be disciples who follow Jesus, are changed by Jesus and join Jesus on His mission of love, THANK YOU and MAY GOD BLESS YOU!

With gratitude & love,
