Posts by Hope Church (Page 11)

Bulletin | January 20, 2023

SUNDAY WORSHIP |  JANUARY 22 | 9 AM. “Life Happens” is an often-heard phrase when we try to explain difficulty, pain and setbacks people face in life. Sometimes when “life happens”, the deeper and often unspoken question asked by those who have faith (and even those who don’t) is “Who is this God that allowed….or caused….or didn’t act in time?” We see…

Bulletin | January 13, 2023

Dear Hope, When needs arise beyond what our own families, friends and Hope Group members can assist with, we have an amazing group of people ready to assist! Our Care Team includes Paul and Lissa Barr, Ardetta Paul, Tanya Koneman, and Pastor Jay and Marti Oertli.  Recently, Pastor Jay shared, “There are a wide variety of needs and opportunities to serve those…

Bulletin | January 5, 2023

 Great is Thy Faithfulness! As we begin this New Year, 2023 is the 75th anniversary of our West Wing! So many children, women and men have heard and believed the Good News of Jesus, worshiped God, prayed, enjoyed meals, played games, and snacked on animal crackers (and spilled a few) since this beautiful space was thoughtfully designed and carefully constructed in 1948 by…

Bulletin | December 29, 2022

NEW YEAR. NEW SERIES. 9 AM NEW YEAR’S DAY SUNDAY WORSHIP | JANUARY 1, 2023. Why do I exist?Where do I fit in the story? Is there more? This year we will consider these and other important questions. Join us this Sunday January 1 at 9 a.m. to sing, pray and start the New Year with a new series through the stories…

Bulletin | December 22, 2022

DECEMBER 24 | CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE | 6 PM.  We are so excited to gather with you on Christmas Eve, this Saturday, December 24 at 6 p.m. to celebrate the coming of Jesus! Please consider inviting friends and family to this special evening. If you are not able to join in person, please click  here for the 6 p.m. livestream.…

Bulletin | December 16, 2022

YEAR-END GIVING | HOPE NEEDS YOU!  Dear Hope,  Thank you to all of you who give to Hope throughout the year and give extra offerings in December! During our last ministry year (Sept. ’21 – Aug. ’22), ​54 households gave consistently. This is incredible. Reflecting back to last December ’21, 34 households contributed year-end gifts​. We were in great need and many…

Bulletin | December 8, 2022

150+ OCC BOXES | THANK YOU HOPE!This Holiday Season we are so proud of the many people from Hope who dove into Operation Christmas Child and gave from their heart. You gathered gifts, donated funds, and spent hours packing boxes so that children around the world would have a blessed Christmas and learn about Jesus. This year we collected over 150 boxes.…

Bulletin | December 1, 2022

Dear Hope, Our Advent Journey began last Sunday and will continue through the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. Advent is a Latin word meaning, “coming” so through the centuries and around the world, many in the Christian Church honor this period of preparation for to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas while also anticipating His future next coming in glory.…

Bulletin | November 24, 2022

TODAY… TURKEY BOWL! You are invited to join us for hot chocolate, donuts, and flag football on Thanksgiving morning (weather permitting) starting at 9:30 a.m. in the northwest corner of Harvard Gulch Park. This annual tradition is fun for all ages! RSVP: please email Rebecca Wertz or text/call 303-601-2201. Happy Thanksgiving Hope! 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT |  NOVEMBER 27 | 9 AM.…

Bulletin | November 17, 2022

Dear Hope, It’s been a month and a half since you welcomed me back from my 6-week sabbatical. I remain refreshed and increasingly grateful to God for all of your love, support and encouragement to take that significant and renewing break! With time to reflect, my reasons for gratitude have grown including, but not limited to…  The wisdom and guidance I’ve received from…