Bulletin | April 2, 2020

Dear Hope,
While walking Margo, our son James’ dog, at dusk this past week, Amy and Jeff Griggs called my name as they crossed Logan St. at Colorado Ave. Maintaining our distance we visited, we laughed and we prayed. The encounter felt pre-arranged like a partial answer to our prayer, on earth as it is in heaven. An unexpected reminder of the deep love God has placed in our Hope family for one another (those in metro Denver and those of you who have been sent throughout the earth). How consoling it will be to experience each other’s presence again. As Jeff and Amy mentioned playing games, reading books and working from home I was reminded of the recent poem inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic by retired teacher and chaplain Kitty O’Meara. I share Kitty’s words with you because they resonate with so many of the realities we hold dear within Hope.

And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

We continue to pray for those who are ill and for those taking care of friends, family and even strangers. We pray for those grieving great loss during this time. There are so many amazing people making monumental sacrifices for the good of others and we are thankful. May God comfort, heal, and bless.


Dean Wertz
Lead Pastor | Hope Community Church

BULLETIN | April 2, 2020

HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home service from last week.

COMMUNICATIONS. All current communications will be available on our homepage.

CELEBRATE EASTER WITH US. The joy of Easter is celebrating the Resurrection of Christ together! Social-distancing makes this a challenge, but we can celebrate “face-to-face” in a creative way. We are looking to compile short (3-7 second) selfie videos of you and/or your family saying “Happy Easter,” “Greetings / Hi Hope!” or “Christ is Risen!” We want to bless the whole Hope Family with other faces that are rejoicing that Christ is Alive! Please send your video to Rob by email or text 303-913-5566. You’ll be glad you did!

HOPE GROUPS. Group leaders and members are connecting and caring for one another in various creative ways. If you are not in a Hope Group and would like to be, click here.

KIDS. Get your Palm Branches ready by downloading this simple template! We’ll be using them this weekend at Hope at Home! Also, if you are interested in additional resources for discipling your children at home, check out these free recommended resources now on our Hope at Home Kids page. Questions? Contact Anna McMichael.

Elementary Online Gathering

KIDS ONLINE! This past week, four Elementary kids (plus younger siblings) gathered by computer, shared stories and listened to one another for about 30 minutes. The children showed each other their lego creations, shared their best jokes and opened up about how much they miss seeing their friends. As Meg prayed for each individual child, this sweet moment (pictured here) was captured. It was the closest thing to “normal interaction” our Hope kids have had in a long time and it was such a gift from the Lord! Invitations for the next online gathering will be coming soon by email!

YOUTH. We will continue to meet the 2nd through 5th Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom! Questions? Contact Arik Stewart.

MISSIONARIES. Please pray for our ministry partners around the world who are facing unique challenges in this difficult time.

GIVING. Click here to connect with our online giving option.

CHURCH BUILDING. The church building is now closed. Please contact a pastor or ministry leader if you have a need.