SUNDAY SERVICE. Click the livestream image above on Sunday at 9 a.m. to join us for worship and a message from Adult Ministry Pastor Rob Cupp. Following the service, the recorded video will be posted on the livestream page for the duration of the week. All archived Hope services are located here.
— Print Ahead: Holy Spirit – Ezekiel Activity Packet
— If you have questions or feedback regarding Hope’s Kids Ministry please email Anna McMichael, Kids Ministry Director.
YOUTH. We are currently reassessing our youth ministry plans and praying for direction for ministering to students in August and beyond. If you want more information or have any input, please contact Arik Stewart.
GIVING. Thank you for continuing to support Hope as we adjust and expand in new and creative ways through our ministries in Denver and our missionary partnerships around the world. Click here to connect with our online giving options and click here to view our June financial snapshot. Due to several recent extra gifts to our “benevolence” fund we have been able to care for and help several households during this difficult season.
HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you with a variety of resources available in your time of need! If you need prayer, submit your request here. If you have had an income disruption, submit a request for transitional financial assistance here. If you have any other need that Hope may be able to assist with, click here to set up a phone or video meeting with one of our staff.
HOPE GROUPS. Group leaders and members are connecting and caring for one another in various creative ways. We have groups that are continuing to meet online and some groups beginning to meet in person. If you are not in a Hope Group and would like to be, click here.
Hope Community Church is dedicated to the service of Jesus through caring and loving others. We would like to share encouraging stories of happenings within the church and in the lives of our church family. Please consider contributing to Sharing Hope by emailing us news that we may include below. Thank you!
MINISTRY: 500 POUNDS OF SOCKS! Below is a fascinating report of generosity. Thanks Dan Boyd for sharing this with us!
Over the past year, a group of men and women from Hope (led by Paul Barr, Mike Bechtold, Rob Cupp, Ted Schmidt and myself) have been volunteering with the Women’s Homelessness Initiative(WHI). Typically this includes the set up of 25 cots and preparing, serving, and cleaning-up dinner in the basement of the First Baptist church across from the capital here in Denver. The women normally spend the night sleeping on the cots and then a bus would pick up in the morning to take the ladies back to the St. Francis day-shelter.
The biggest request that we hear from the homeless women is for clean underwear and socks. Earlier this year Mike suggested to me that we should contact The Bombas Sock Company and ask them for a donation of new socks. Not having a high level of confidence in this idea, I did nevertheless contact Bombas, and requested 2500 pair of socks. In just a couple of weeks I heard back from Bombas. They asked a few questions, and then promised to send the socks as soon as possible! Much to my surprise, in June I received 2500 pair of socks at my home — ten large boxes – -a total of 500 pounds!
Since the receipt of this amazing donation, we have distributed the full shipment to the homeless women at The Coliseum, The St Francis Center, 20D Street Ministries, The Te Veo House, The Gathering Place, The Network, The Open Door Fellowship and Mountview Boulevard Presbyterian Church. We plan to reach out to The Bombas Sock Company within the next week to request an additional donation!
Most of us have no idea how much a new pair of socks can mean to a homeless person. Read more about Bombas here and their commitment to helping the homeless!
–Dan Boyd
MISSIONARIES. Please continue to pray for our ministry partners around the world who are facing unique challenges in this difficult time.
STAYING IN TOUCH. If you would like to reach out to some of Hope’s Seniors (those who may not have access to computers or who would enjoy some remote company), please consider making phone calls! For more information contact Pastor Jay.
SHARING HOPE CREATIVELY. As you know each weekend our church services can now be viewed from all over the world. Consider sharing the service link address with friends and family who may be encouraged during this isolated time. If someone you know would like to be added to our email communication list, please fill out the form below. It’s even possible to share the service through a phone call. Two households are currently doing this so that others without wifi access are able to listen to the church service!