Dear Hope,
A top priority for our church is teaching our children about Jesus and helping them trust and follow him. So, when we engaged the Expand Hope campaign a couple of years ago, we developed plans and raised funds to improve the safety of our kids and volunteers when we gather for this most important purpose.
We began by guiding parents and staff members into in-depth training on sexual abuse prevention. Next, we adopted new safety protocols for our volunteers. Now, we are making safety improvements to our Kids Wing. While our Kids classrooms are temporarily closed, we are making good use of the time by installing several large interior windows, classroom doors with windows and new egress doors with safety hardware at our 3 access points. This means that all of our classrooms will be fully visible from the hallway and our entire kids wing will be secure when in use, creating a safer atmosphere for our kids to know and grow in Christ together!
Thank you for praying and contributing to these improvements for our children and for many others in the years to come!
As this phase of the project wraps up in the weeks ahead, we will share the plans to welcome kids and volunteers back into Kids Ministry in-person on Sunday mornings! What a joy it will be to see our children safely worshiping, interacting and learning together again!
With you in Christ,
Anna McMicheal | Kids Ministry Director
SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | February 28. Have you ever experienced a time of doubt wondering if God can use you? Or frustrated that you weren’t getting what you wanted or needed out of life? In Hebrews, we read about Sarah – a woman whose faith in God (and His promises) brought her through numerous mistakes and misconceptions. Her faith proved so strong; the entire world has been blessed through her. Don’t miss this Sunday, as Hope Intern Tara Farrell brings us a message entitled, Sarah’s Story: A God Who Sees. Join us in person, or online (live and recorded service) here!
Print Ahead: Abraham and Sarah Activity Page
Kids Song: My God is So Great
LOOKING AHEAD | SHINING LIGHT THROUGH ONE OF HOPE’S KIDS! Don’t miss next week’s bulletin for an amazing story in-the-news about our very own Lillian Benedik (age 6) and her Christ-filled giving heart!
WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU SUNDAY! The state of Colorado has recently removed numeric restrictions for houses of worship as long as we continue to safely follow the other C-19 protocols. So, we no longer require online registration for Sunday morning services. In effort to continue our focus on gathering safely, upon arrival, you will still be checked-in by a greeter for contact tracing purposes. And, we will continue to wear masks and practice social distancing. However, preregistration will no longer be required. If you have any questions, please email Rob.
HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need prayer, financial assistance, or help in any other way, please reach out to Pastor Jay here.