Bulletin | October 5, 2024

TOMORROW… Hope Church is turning 25! Join us after the Service tomorrow as we will be having finger foods and birthday cake. Please stay a while and enjoy visiting with each other!

WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY OCTOBER 6 | 9 AM. The most important foundation of being a follower of Jesus is abiding in Him. But, there are so many questions about it.  What is abiding? How do I do it? Understanding how to abide in Christ is a key that unlocks the rest of the Christian Life, yet it is often missed or overlooked. But, Jesus keeps inviting us to abide because it is His favorite type of relationship to have with us. Join us as we start a new series and focus on building your foundation of following Christ. Join us tomorrow as Rob Cupp, an Elder and Hope Group Co-Leader (with his wife Bridget) brings us this week’s message The Invitation to Abide based on John 15:1-11. If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.

Children’s Church.
Kids, ages 3 yrs old to 5th grade, we hope you join us for Children’s Church this Sunday as we begin a new series on ABIDING! Our series will align with that of the rest of the church. This week we will be learning about what it means to abide by interacting with the metaphor of the vine and branches in John 15.
Babies and Toddlers. Families with children 0-3 years old are invited to use the baby sky box at any point during the service.
–For any questions regarding Children’s Ministry policies and procedures or interest in volunteering, please contact Becky Newquist. 

HOPE GROUPS. Thank you Young Adults Hope Group, for assisting us in Sunday’s Service! We appreciate you! Hope Groups are an amazing way to connect to others, deepen your relationship with God, and discover there is a family here for you at Hope. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d love to have you join us! Click herfor more information on all our Hope Groups. 

WORSHIP MUSIC. Here is the playlist for this Sunday’s worship. Enjoy! 

SAVE THE DATE | Fall Festival!
Sunday October 27th 4-6 PM
Chili cook-off
Costume contest
Supply drive*

*We will be collecting the following items (Sunday Oct 27 @ the 9 a.m. Service & at the Fall Festival) for the Denver Rescue Mission: gently used warm winter clothing (coats, scarves, hats mittens/gloves for men, women, and children in all sizes)   Also needed:: new shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, shaving cream, and women’s hygiene products. Thank you Hope!

FINANCIAL UPDATE. THANK YOU to all who give to Hope. With so many giving generously and consistently in addition to your extra 2023 year-end gifts, we are grateful to report that we have completed our fiscal year (Sept. ’23 – Aug. ’24) cash-positive! May God richly bless all of you who pray, serve, encourage and give to equip Hope to help more people abide in Jesus throughout Metro Denver and around the world. For those who have recently joined our community and / or are curious about giving to Hope, you can give online here, mail a check to 1801 S. Logan St. Denver, CO 80210 or use an offering box in the back of the Sanctuary.

FOOD BANK. Please consider donating non-expired dry and canned goods to The Community Ministry. All items can be placed in the collection basket in the foyer. Thank you, Hope!

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you. If you need financial assistance, prayer or help in any other way, please reach out to Rebecca Wertz.

We welcome you to visit the resources below!