Hope Facility Updates

Last Saturday marked the 16th anniversary of Hope Community Church. Looking back, we are profoundly grateful for the ways in which previous generations have sacrificed, planned, and worked together in order to build a beautiful and functional campus. As we look ahead, the elders, pastors, and staff at Hope seek to continue this legacy of stewardship. Below is a list of some of the current projects and updates:

  • The entire roof will be replaced and paid for by our insurance company due to the June hail storms.
  • Bloom is planning to continue meeting in our Reception Hall for at least the next 9 months.
  • We are working with Legacy Design to draft a comprehensive plan for the upper level west wing and sanctuary. (Legacy is a design/architect firm that specializes in working with churches.)
  • Our utility usage is down by over 50%, thanks to the leadership Dan has brought to bring our costs down.

In addition to these updates, we’d also like to let you know that we are looking for a donated TV (1-3 years old, 40-42 inch flat screen) to be used in the Roberts Conference Room. Please keep your eyes and ears open and get in touch with someone on staff if you find one.

Lastly, we want to extend a huge thanks to our facility volunteer team members. Thank you for keeping the Hope campus working smoothly and looking so clean and beautiful!