Living with the Resurrected Jesus

Dear Hope,

What a gift to sing, pray and lift up our Living King on Easter with all of you, Bloom Church and so many guests. Arik estimated that about 600 people united on that morning at 1801 S. Logan St. to worship. If we add those who gathered throughout Platt Park at 1st CRC, Fellowship Denver, the Table, Dwell Live Church, Platt Park Church and elsewhere there were many times more than 1,000 tongues to sing our Great Redeemers praise!

Now, the reality that Christ is Risen continues. So, throughout April and May all of us who are a part of this family called Hope will be encouraged and equipped to live with our Resurrected Lord. On Sunday mornings we will worship Him and through our new preaching series entitled Living with the Resurrected Jesus, we will explore passages that draw our attention to the everyday implications of the resurrection. Those of us in Discipleship Groups will gather during each week to pray and discuss the Biblical passages that were preached on the previous Sunday in order to encourage one another to fully avail ourselves to live with the Living Jesus.

It is a new season in Denver with flowers blooming, fruit trees budding and robins singing. And, Jesus is alive and present with all of His followers. I’m excited to learn together and avail ourselves to all Jesus has for us this Spring!


P.S. If you join us tomorrow (Sunday 4/15), bring a dish to share as we gather afterwards for yet another delicious potluck.