The People feature can be used to publish profiles and contact information for pastors, staff, deacons and any other groups. You can optionally organize people by group.

Meg Benedik

As Equipping Elementary Teacher and a member of the Hope Kid’s Ministry Team, Meg, has seen her role adapt and change along with the ministry at Hope over the years. She started as a Youth Ministry volunteer in 2007, volunteered as a Kid’s Ministry teacher and now serves on the Kid’s Ministry team in various…

Tara Farrell

The mission for the Internship Program at Hope Community Church is to glorify God by developing ministry leaders through real-world experience and opportunities that will launch them into God’s fullness for them. Tara is a newer member of our congregation and is currently enrolled online at Liberty University for a BS in Biblical and Educational…

Rob Cupp

Rob Cupp grew up in church, but he didn’t respond to the Gospel of Christ until his senior year of high school. After Jesus became his Lord and King, he was all-in. While at Indiana University School of Business, God began molding Rob for unique ministry. After graduating and working in business and real estate for 3 years,…

Anna McMichael

As Kids Ministry Director, Anna works to create a fun, relational atmosphere for kids to play, grow friendships and learn about the love of Jesus. Anna oversees Sunday morning Kid’s Ministry, summer camp, childcare for Hope Groups along with parenting support and training opportunities. Her favorite part of the job is teaching children about the…

Kevin McMichael

Kevin loves serving the Lord and his church family by overseeing the Tech Ministry at Hope. He leads a team of volunteers and works closely with the Sunday Service planning team to provide a smooth, worshipful experience on Sunday mornings. Kevin likes serving behind the scenes and has a background in audio starting back in…