COVID-19 | 1 – Guidance

Subject: Virus Guidance from Rebekah Kaskubar, Physician Assistant & Hope Member

Dear Hope

I asked Dean if I could share briefly about COVID-19 with our congregation. I’m sure many of you are aware of the virus COVID-19, a type of coronavirus, that is highly contagious and spreading around the world currently. As I work in healthcare, I have a few suggestions for our community as we navigate this disease. For those of you who may not know me, I have been a PA (Physician Assistant) for 13 years and currently work at Denver Health in Family Medicine.

First, I’m glad to report that Hope’s Cleaning Team will provide extra sanitization on shared surfaces (i.e. door handles, bathroom knobs, levers, etc.) and our Kids Ministry Team, which already sanitizes toys regularly, will do so after each time a kids’ room has been used by either Hope or Bloom. Regarding physical contact, please decide for yourself and communicate if you want to greet with a shake hand, hug, fist-bump or just say “hello.”

Second, please continue using good hand hygiene (washing hands) especially after eating or using the restroom. Also try to avoid touching your face, specially your nose and mouth. This will help minimize transfer of all diseases.

Third, I think it’s really important to know the specific symptoms of COVID-19. A fever (body temperature over 100.4F or 38C) in combination with fatigue and a cough are the main symptoms that arise first.

Fourth, if you develop these symptoms and have had contact with someone who has COVID-19, I would advise you to call your physician for direction on where to be evaluated and, if necessary, tested. As of right now, there are limited tests available and not every physician or lab has access to these. Calling ahead will be helpful in getting you the best healthcare treatment, as well as minimizing exposure to others.

Fifth, if you have an active fever please avoid group settings within the church (i.e. worship service, groups, etc.) and beyond. We are blessed with having a multi-generational community and it is known that older individuals and those with underlying health conditions are more aggressively affected by this virus. So, for the sake of our extended church family, please consider others in how you manage your own illnesses. Parents, if your child(ren) are not feeling well please error on the side of caution and keep them home with you until they are well again.

Lastly, if you do get sick, let us know so can love and serve you through prayer, providing meals, etc.!

As always, the Lord is sovereign and we will seek Him, His guidance, healing and peace in the midst of this disease and its implications for us and our communities.

– Rebekah Kaskubar

For more information I would recommend looking at the Center for Disease Control or World Health Organization websites for accurate and up to date information. For those who have general questions about the coronavirus disease, you can also call CO HELP at 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911 or email, for answers.