An Interview With Rob Cupp

May 1, 2019 marked the first day having Rob Cupp on the Hope leadership team in the newly created position of Pastor of Adult Ministries. We asked Rob a few questions to get to know him and his family better.

What made you decide to pursue full-time ministry?

I’ve served in full-time ministry since 2001. Before that I was in real estate and volunteering a lot in local youth ministries. Three years into our marriage, God brought Bridget and I to a deep place of surrender about some major decisions in our lives. As that happened, God reminded me of His vocational ministry calling on me. He affirmed this calling two more times, so we left my business and we ended up moving to Colorado to work at Forge.

What’s your favorite part about working in Christian ministry?

I love watching Jesus transform people. Over and over again, I’m in awe of how He moves in people’s lives and makes them new.

Before coming to Hope, you were on staff with Forge Ministries. Can you tell us a little bit about your role and experiences with Forge?

At Forge my role was the Chief Content Officer. I oversaw all of the discipleship training programs we hosted and I oversaw our itinerant preachers. This role gave me a lot of experience in the areana of discipleship of both students and preachers. I have learned a lot about the Lord and people by getting to hear life stories and seeking to see God move in lives.

What do you envision for the future of adult ministries at Hope?

I’m really excited to dig into Adult Ministries here. I don’t yet have full comprehension of everything God wants to do, but I do believe that God wants to create more harbor-like environments where each adult in this church is healed, outfitted, equipped and ready to go to all the places that God will send them. I also envision environments where those outside of the Church family (both believers and unbelievers) will meet our Living Savior through us. The Lord will do greater things than we could ever expect or imagine!

How would you describe your personality?

I’m not sure how I would describe my personality, but I just asked my wife, Bridget, and she said “Flambouyant, engaging, approachable!”

You have a beautiful family! Can you tell us a little about them?

Bridget and I have been married for 20 years. The first three years were hard for us, but when we moved to Denver, God united us, we became best friends and every year life together gets better and better. She is a loving, giving cheerleader for many AND she is a mathematician and loves to analyze numbers and find deals shopping.

Sophia is a sophomore at Smoky Hill High School. She plays volleyball, basketball and runs track. She loves meeting new people and experiencing new things.

Chase is finishing up eighth grade at Laredo Middle School. He plays Lacrosse, basketball and loves video games. He is the comedian of our family and constantly cracks timely jokes.

Foster is finishing up third grade. He plays Lacrosse, basketball and loves to climb anything he can like a monkey.

All three kids have begun following Jesus. As a family, we love snow skiing together.

Describe your ideal day.

The ideal day would be sleeping in and then doing something active and restful with Bridget like taking a walk and talking and then having fun and eating a good meal with the family.

What’s your favorite place in the Denver area to eat out?

There is not one place….we love discovering new food and new spots.

What’s your favorite travel destination?

Every year, we go with my parents and siblings to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. I’ve been going there since I was 5 years old. It sets the standard for vacationing for us. But, we love traveling and exploring any chance we can.

Is there anything you’d like to say to the Hope community?

Hope Community, we have watched you follow Jesus from a distance and we are excited to be a part of your church family. You are a warm, loving and hospitable church. Our family has already been immensely blessed by your hospitality as you have welcomed us. May God help us to grow in the Lord together and may His light shine through us so powerfully that Denver is changed for His Glory!