Rebecca’s New Office

We are excited to welcome Rebecca Wertz in her new position as the Prayer Ministry Coordinator at Hope. Rebecca has moved into the office used by Dana Yost throughout her tenure as Director of Prayer Ministry (Dana, who began the ministry in 2001, retired last August. You can learn more about Dana’s story in this interview.)

Rebecca has redecorated the office and is regularly meeting with people throughout the week, joyfully uniting with them in prayer and seeking healing from the Lord. We asked her some questions to find out how things are going. 

How long have you been involved with prayer ministry?

I started training with Dana about 10 years ago. I also received prayer with her.

When did you first start facilitating prayer ministry sessions?

For about five years now. The past two years I’ve been facilitating prayer regularly.  

Can you briefly describe the process?

When someone comes in for prayer, that’s exactly where we start. We open with inviting Jesus to be with us and speak to us. Then I explain what Freedom Prayer is. One can expect to get in touch with their emotions, and really feel them, and then we spend some time asking Jesus to help us understand where those emotions originated. Sometimes a memory will come to mind, or a thought. We ask Jesus to speak into some of the beliefs that we hold. He will exchange lies with His truth. The process is a really intimate conversations with God.

How long do you typically see someone?

Some people just come a couple of times, and others months, and others more. We all hear Jesus differently. His healing is His timing.  

How much does it cost?

There is no cost, however we do appreciate donations.

Who is a good candidate for prayer ministry?

The better question is, who isn’t? Anyone who wants to be free from lies. Anyone who wants to hear Jesus’ voice. Anyone who is stuck in unhealthy habits. Most of Hope’s staff have been in prayer with Dana over the years. We have all experienced God’s healing in our lives. What a gift!

What is your favorite part about working in this capacity?

It is an honor to sit and pray with people and witness God speaking to them. How fun to watch individuals hear Jesus dispel lies, and replace those lies with His truth. I get to witness people experience freedom from Him. It is so encouraging in my walk with Jesus.