Posts by Hope Church (Page 10)

Bulletin | May 5, 2023

Out of town during a Sunday Service? Or want to share an impactful sermon with a friend? All our services are available online! If you miss a weekly bulletin or need to reach a staff member at Hope, find all this information and more at! It’s your 24/7 resource for sharing, giving, and growing! 9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | APRIL 30.…

Bulletin | April 28, 2023

Next up in our Knowing God study are 3 messages from the time of Israel’s Exile.Don’t miss this new 3-week mini-series! 9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | APRIL 30. Join us this weekend for worship and praise! Also, Dan Kaskubar will bring us the first sermon in our mini-series on Israel’s Exile. Worship in person, via livestream or view the recording here.  HOPE GROUPS. This Sunday’s Service will be…

Bulletin | April 21, 2023

Don’t miss Sunday’s Service as we conclude our series Knowing God: Israel’s KingsThe Message of the Prophets: We Were Meant to “Run on God”  9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | APRIL 23. God has always been speaking to the human race, calling us, inviting us, challenging us and communicating His desire for us to be with Him. In fact, He made us to…

Bulletin | April 14, 2023

Dear Hope,Recently we had the privilege of having Becky Walker, our remote staff member from Tampa, FL with us in Denver for the first time in over three years. So, our staff (with the exceptions of our Worship Tech Coordinator Jon Koneman and Children’s Ministry Intern Kelsey Hoot) were all together. Pictured here from left to right: me, Prayer Coordinator & Facility Use…

Good Friday Bulletin | April 7, 2023

EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP. From His childhood through His crucifixion on Good Friday, Jesus interacted with children, women and men from all walks of life. Heaven conversing with ordinary people like you and me. Then, He died for the sins of the world and His lifeless body was placed in a tomb. Silence. Sadness. Despair. What was to come – an arisen King…

Bulletin | March 31, 2023

           PALM SUNDAY WORSHIP. The most important question ever posed was asked by the people of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Regarding the colt-rider, they asked, “Who is this?” Join us for this Sunday for our Palm Sunday Celebration at 9 a.m. as we sing, pray, celebrate communion and consider Jesus’ lionhearted-world-transforming answer! Lead Paster Dean Wertz will be bringing…

Bulletin | March 24, 2023

SUNDAY WORSHIP | MARCH 26 | 9 AM. We do not choose our relatives but we do choose our friends.  God gives us the responsibility of selecting our inner circle.  Like quality antivirus software we must be vigilant to let the right people in and keep the wrong people out. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. for our monthly family service as…

Bulletin | March 17, 2023

SUNDAY WORSHIP | MARCH 19 | 9 AM. David was a hero. He defeated the villain and led the people to victory over the enemy. But David was human. And, like every human who has ever lived but one, David failed. He failed terribly. He sinned greatly. And his story reminds us that human heroes, even the best of them, fail. But one…

Bulletin | March 10, 2023

.              Aurora Hope Group Celebrates Purim Day! With Easter approaching fast – have you ever wondered about other Old Testament celebrations and what those are like? Well, this past Sunday – March 5 – the Aurora Hope Group held a very special Old Testament celebration, a Jewish feast called Purim Day! Purim is a Jewish holiday…

Bulletin | March 3, 2023

Dear Hope,What an amazing all-church journey we are on through 2023, discovering (and rediscovering) the great stories of the Bible! This Sunday we will turn the page into a new phase in Biblical history. We began on January 1 in Genesis 1 by looking at “The Beginnings.” Then, we considered “Israel’s Formation” from God’s call to Abraham & Sarah through the mostly-dark…