Bulletin | July 16, 2020

Greetings Hope,

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3

Often things in our daily lives seem so pressing and important. With Covid-19, racial protests and other unrest that we are experiencing today, we invest even more energy into navigating our day-to-day lives and relationships. As Christians, we add investments of energy into our spiritual activities: Going to church, reading the Bible, praying and doing the “right things.” We are investing so much energy, it’s no wonder we may find ourselves exhausted physically, emotionally and spiritually.

In Colossians, Paul is writing with great concern that the church can be taken “captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition,…and not according to Christ.” (Col 2:8) Paul knew that as humans (even humans who have accepted the truth of Christ’s Gospel) we would be tempted to focus on and invest our energies into earning what we have been given freely – Life in Christ. So for those of us who call Jesus our King, there are three important truths Paul shares with us in Colossians 3:1-3 that can help us fully experience the Life Christ wants for us.

1. “You have died…” (3:3) – When you turned to Christ initially you died with Christ on the Cross. Your sins are gone and your flesh has been crucified with Him. You no longer need to earn, strive, payback, “get right,” figure it all out or prove yourself. You have died to that way of living.

2. “You have been raised with Christ…” (3:1) – Just as the Holy Spirit resurrected Jesus, He has raised you from the dead. God Himself lives inside of you. You have access to the things of Heaven. You have the mind of Christ. You have the power of the resurrection living through you. You have access to a new way of living.

3. So, “Set your minds on things that are above…” (3:2) – Because the first two things are true, why would we focus our minds on anything less than “the things that are above, where Christ is?” (3:1) We no longer have to invest energy in things that Christ has taken care of or on things that He doesn’t deem important for us in the moment. We can focus on Him and He will show us how to live and navigate the life He’s given us to live.

So, in a season where many are carrying exhaustion and extra burdens, may you believe and experience the freedom and joy that these three truths bring no matter what circumstances life throws at you. May you allow Christ to live His Life through you!

Adult Ministry Pastor

Hope at Home
HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home Sunday service from last week. Join us this Sunday for a message from Executive & Youth Pastor Arik Stewart.


Hope Kids
— Print Ahead: Behold the Lamb Activity Page
— Extra Craft: Origami Dove
— If you have questions or feedback regarding Hope’s Kids Ministry please email Anna McMichael, Kids Ministry Director.

WORSHIP. MEET MORGAN! Recently, we have added Morgan McCollough to the Hope team. Normally, we would have an in-person introduction. However, before too much time goes by, we thought we’d share some background (remotely) on our new Worship Leader.

Although new to his position at Hope, Morgan is no stranger to music. As soon as he was able to hold up a bass guitar, Morgan did and he began to play. Surrounded by music throughout his young life, he traveled with his teacher parents to churches to perform. He quickly learned numerous needed instruments. Drums, clarinet, trumpet… the list goes on and doesn’t stop with singing in the choir. As an adult, travel continued for work and in each location, Morgan found a home church and quickly began serving (and leading) worship.

Prior to these travels, Morgan attended Hope for the first time in 2005. He was invited by his cousin Nicole King and drawn to stay due to the authenticity of the experience with the leadership. With a recent relocation back to the area, he comes to Hope with the main goal of providing a distraction-free time to worship. His start as Hope’s music leader has been 100% remote (Hope at Home) so he looks forward to meeting everyone and hearing what they enjoy about worship in person.

When not strumming a guitar (or listening to a wide variety of tunes), Morgan is using his God-given talents and interests to figure out puzzles (by hobby with jigsaws, Rubix cubes and restoring a ‘68 tourquois blue mustang). By trade, he uses this talent to figure and manage logistics for specialized materials directing shipments to their necessary and final destinations.

He looks forward to engaging with and becoming an active part of Hope. He has plans to nurture the growth of music, leading people to feel free and enjoy the time of worship. Morgan, his wife Britney and little Zora live in Aurora. Welcome Morgan!

YOUTH. Through July, we will resume having Youth Group in-person (safely according to the state’s social-distancing and other requirements) on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays of the month and remotely via Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. We will not have our Sunday Youth Hope Group in July and we are not planning on having other youth ministry events until governmental guidelines change. For additional details, contact Arik Stewart.

GIVING. Thank you for continuing to support Hope as we adjust and expand in new and creative ways through our ministries in Denver and our missionary partnerships around the world. Click here to connect with our online giving options and click here to view our June financial snapshot. Due to several recent extra gifts to our “benevolence” fund we have been able to care for and help several households during this difficult season.

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you with a variety of resources available in your time of need! If you need prayer, submit your request here. If you have had an income disruption, submit a request for transitional financial assistance here. If you have any other need that Hope may be able to assist with, click here to set up a phone or video meeting with one of our staff.

HOPE GROUPS. Group leaders and members are connecting and caring for one another in various creative ways. We have groups that are continuing to meet online and some groups beginning to meet in person. If you are not in a Hope Group and would like to be, click here.


Hope Community Church is dedicated to the service of Jesus through caring and loving others. We would like to share encouraging stories of happenings within the church and in the lives of our church family. Please consider contributing to Sharing Hope by emailing us news that we may include below. Thank you!

YOUTH. This past week, a small group of leaders and students from our youth ministry spent an evening doing yard work for a senior member of our congregation. Hey Youth – way to be of service!

MISSIONARIES. Please continue to pray for our ministry partners around the world who are facing unique challenges in this difficult time.

STAYING IN TOUCH. If you would like to reach out to some of Hope’s Seniors (those who may not have access to computers or who would enjoy some remote company), please consider making phone calls! For more information contact Pastor Jay.

SHARING HOPE CREATIVELY. As you know each weekend Hope at Home can now be viewed from all over the world. Consider sharing the service link address with friends and family who may be encouraged during this isolated time. If someone you know would like to be added to our email communication list, please fill out the form below. It’s even possible to share the service through a phone call. Two households are currently doing this so that others without wifi access are able to listen to the church service!

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