An Interview with Seth Slay

Seth Slay began his new role as Hope’s Equipping Music Director starting September 1st. If you haven’t had a chance to meet him yet, be sure to say hello the next time you see him. In the meantime, we asked Seth a few questions to better get to know him and his family.

When and how did you first get involved with music? 
I grew up in a musical family, so there was always music playing and always a guitar laying around the house. At 12 years old, I decided to pick up the guitar and try to learn a few chords. I wanted to be on the worship team from the moment I saw the worship band at my youth group, so that was motivation enough for me to learn. The rest is history, and I’ve been playing music and been involved in leading worship ever since.

What’s your favorite hymn or worship song and why?
My favorite hymn is “Be Thou My Vision.” Not only is the melody timeless, but the words are as well. Every time I sing the words, I’m reminded of why I decided to follow Jesus in the first place, and the words of the song are often in my prayers: “Heart of my own heart whatever befall, still be my vision o Ruler of all.”

How would you describe your role at Hope?
My role at Hope is to help facilitate worship and equip others to do the same. I’ll come alongside the already established team and we’ll do everything we can to humbly serve Christ and use the gifts and abilities that He’s given us to worship and lead others to do the same.

What would you like to see happen in the music ministry over the next year?
I’d love to see a robust expression of the gifts and talents of Hope on the stage every week, as well as continuing to lead and equip others to lead worship that is centered on Jesus.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I love a good long hike in the mountains, playing superheroes with my kids, and going on adventures with my wife!

Can you tell us a bit about your wife and two sons?
My wife, Hannah, is a stay at home mama, and a really gifted artist. She’s fun and outgoing, and sometimes has blue hair. Elliott, my oldest son at (almost) 5, is super smart, super friendly, and super fun. Alden is 3 and is very sweet, loves cars, and will give an unsolicited hug to everyone he meets.