New 10:45 Sunday Service Start Time: FAQs

Q: What is the new service start time?
A: 10:45 am. As before, the service will conclude around 11:45 am.

Q: When does the change begin?
A: Next Sunday, Sept. 3 (one week from tomorrow).

Q: Can you remind me again why we are changing to 10:45?
A: One of Hope’s 5 big next steps for this fall and beyond is to increase the number of people and instruments involved in our Worship Ministry and provide personal discipleship and musical coaching for each person on the team. A key part of this step is having Seth Slay, Bloom Church’s Equipping Worship Pastor, begin serving as our new Equipping Worship Leader. To make it possible for Seth to lead both Bloom & Hope’s morning services, Bloom is shifting their service start time up from 9:30 to 9 am. They are also moving into our building for their morning service. By moving our service start time from 10:30 to 10:45 this creates the potential for Seth to transition from Bloom to Hope and for there to be some margin between Bloom’s ending time (approx. 10 am) and Hope’s starting time (10:45 am). By making this 15 minute change there will also be 2 fringe benefits for Hope. 1) additional weekly rental income from Bloom; and 2) another step forward in our vision to see our facility used more and more as a relational disciple making campus.

Q: How will this affect parking?
A: There will be an increase in the number of cars parked around the Hope campus, so please be patient if your usual spot is taken. The fringe benefit: your Fitbit will track more steps! As a reminder, the small parking lot off the alley is reserved for those who have disabilities and/or are elderly.

Q: What if I forget and arrive at 10:30 am?
A: We actually encourage everyone to continue arriving by 10:30 am. Take advantage of the extra time to greet one another, grab a cup of coffee, and prepare your hearts for worship.

Q: Will the Bloom congregation be using the Sanctuary?
A: Bloom’s services will be held in our lower level Reception Hall from 9:00 – 10:00 am. They will use the doors on the northwest side of the facility (326 E Colorado Ave) for both entry and exit.

Q: Does this affect anything with checking in my kids?
A: Parents, our hope is that the extra time at the front end of the service allows you plenty of time to check in your kids, take them to the restroom, and do anything else you need to get them ready for worship and then Children’s Church.