Bulletin | June 18, 2020

Dear Hope

In light of our world’s conversation about race, I’m encouraged to hear how many of you are listening and learning from people of other ethnicities while you abide in Jesus and His love. May God continue to give us all eyes to see and ears to hear as we seek to align our lives and His church with His vision for people of all nations and tribes as we look forward to 2030 and beyond.
Also, in light of the Colorado’s latest guidelines for houses of worship, our smaller gatherings have the freedom to meet in person while following the states physical distancing requirement and encouragement to meet outdoors whenever possible. Some group leaders are choosing to gather while others are continuing to meet remotely or include a combination of approaches. We are also drafting plans for what our Sunday worship services could look like in the future providing safe (and reduced in size) in-person gatherings as well as an on-line option. We will continue to share the plans as they become clearer.

Our elders and staff love you, miss you, are praying for you and are excited to see you when the time is right!
Dean Wertz
Lead Pastor | Hope Community Church

Hope at Home
HOPE AT HOME. Click here for the Hope at Home Sunday service from last week. Join us this Sunday for a message from Adult Ministry Pastor Rob Cupp.

DENVER PRAYS. You are invited to join others throughout Denver to pray for ethnic unity and city-wide righteousness. Click here to sign up to pray for 1 hour during this 2-day, cross-cultural, virtual-prayer event which will begin tonight Thursday, June 18 at 6 p.m. and continue through Saturday, June 20 at 6 p.m.

Hope Kids
— Print ahead: The Power Activity Packet and Father’s Day Note
Book List for parents teaching kids about God’s love for people of all ethnicities as a part of the Gospel
— If you have questions or feedback regarding Hope’s Kids Ministry please email Anna McMichael, Kids Ministry Director.

YOUTH. We will continue to meet the 2nd through 5th Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom! Questions? Contact Arik Stewart

GIVING. Thank you for continuing to support Hope as we adjust and expand in new and creative ways through our ministries in Denver and our missionary partnerships around the world. Click here to connect with our online giving options and click here to view our May financial snapshot. Due to several recent extra gifts to our “benevolence” fund we have been able to care for and help several households during this difficult season.

HAVE A NEED? Your Hope family is here for you with a variety of resources available in your time of need! If you need prayer, submit your request here. If you have had an income disruption, submit a request for transitional financial assistance here. If you have any other need that Hope may be able to assist with, click here to set up a phone or video meeting with one of our staff.

HOPE GROUPS. Group leaders and members are connecting and caring for one another in various creative ways. We have groups that are continuing to meet online and some groups beginning to meet in person. If you are not in a Hope Group and would like to be, click here.


Hope Community Church is dedicated to the service of Jesus through caring and loving others. We would like to share encouraging stories of happenings within the church and in the lives of our church family. Please consider contributing to Sharing Hope by emailing us news that we may include below. Thank you!

HOPE MISSIONS. Let’s catch up with Charlie Marquis, itinerant preacher with Forge whom we all know and love from his time with us here at Hope. Hope supports him as one of our missions partners as he reaches out in several countries and here in the U.S. as well. What a blessing he and Dara are to our church. Here is his description of God’s work through his ministry currently:

“Pandemic and unrest do not hinder the King of Kings! Although ministry has looked different, it certainly hasn’t ceased. A 20 year-old from a restricted ‘Middle Eastern’ Asian country sent me a message saying, ‘I fully committed my life to Jesus when you preached in my area. God put it on my heart to start a mission group. So I have 5 people ready for mission. Now what do I do?’ I began training this young disciple weekly and in less than 45 days we have seen rapid multiplication: at least 5 spiritual generations consisting of 200+ born again new believers!!! I have also been electronically discipling a young man from East Africa who said, ‘This was the first time I have ever read the Bible!’ God has also provided this non-travel time to further build key personal foundations (with a baby on the way!) [Dara is due July 25 and is doing well] and key ministry foundations that get pushed to the side for the urgency of travel. Therefore I have been thankful.

Hope CC Family – These things could not happen without your love, fervent prayers, and generous support! This is YOUR fruit! You are an incredible team. I pray God allows us to see each other soon.”

MISSIONARIES. Please continue to pray for our ministry partners around the world who are facing unique challenges in this difficult time.

STAYING IN TOUCH. If you would like to reach out to some of Hope’s Seniors (those who may not have access to computers or who would enjoy some remote company), please consider making phone calls! For more information contact Pastor Jay.

SHARING HOPE CREATIVELY. As you know each weekend Hope at Home can now be viewed from all over the world. Consider sharing the service link address with friends and family who may be encouraged during this isolated time. If someone you know would like to be added to our email communication list, please fill out the form below. It’s even possible to share the service through a phone call. Two households are currently doing this so that others without wifi access are able to listen to the church service!

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