Bulletins (Page 28)

Living with the Resurrected Jesus

Dear Hope, What a gift to sing, pray and lift up our Living King on Easter with all of you, Bloom Church and so many guests. Arik estimated that about 600 people united on that morning at 1801 S. Logan St. to worship. If we add those who gathered throughout Platt Park at 1st CRC,…

A Journey of Self-Discovery

— A book review by Nicole King I’ve always been fascinated by different systems that help to explain personality and motivation—why we do the things we do. About two years ago I was introduced to the Enneagram, a typing system that traces its roots to ancient origins and has recently experienced renewed interest and popularity.…

Plan for Lent & Holy Week

Lent is the 40-day season that precedes Holy Week. This year, Lent takes place from Wednesday, February 14 through Thursday, March 29. Lent is a time when the historic and universal church seeks to walk with the Holy Spirit, depending upon Him to deepen our relationship with God. We are so pleased to be uniting…

Looking Back at 2017: Celebrations

As we close out 2017, we are filled with gratitude for the many ways that God has blessed us at Hope and for the exciting work that He is doing in and through our lives as we seek to follow Him in all areas. This newsletter is a celebration of Our King’s faithfulness, love, and…

Celebrating Advent 2017

Advent is a 4-week season that begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and continues through Christmas Day. “Advent” comes from a Latin word meaning “to come.” So, these four weeks provide an opportunity to focus on the two comings of Jesus Christ—His first coming 2,000 years ago and His second coming in the future.…

What Should Followers of Jesus Do on Halloween?

One of my friends stays home to pray on Halloween because in her childhood she was a victim of satanic ritual abuse. Other friends dress their children in wholesome costumes and head out to connect with neighbors on the one night when doors and, in some cases, hearts are open. I recently read an article…

Youth Retreat Tackles Serious Topic

by Arik Stewart, Youth Pastor In our three years leading youth ministry, Bryan, Nano and I have grown in our understanding of how to encourage our young men to pursue God in all areas of life. But one area we never approached, at least not with everyone at once, was sexual purity. Our delay came from a desire to build relationships and establish trust…

Youth Group Highlights

by Leah Stewart Youth Group (Ignition) for 6th through 12th grade students continues to meet every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:30pm. Students and volunteer leaders engage in creative activities, thoughtful discussion of the Word, and intentional application of the things God is teaching them to their daily lives. Each week at Ignition, students engage in small group discussions following a similar format to Hope’s…

An Interview with Seth Slay

Seth Slay began his new role as Hope’s Equipping Music Director starting September 1st. If you haven’t had a chance to meet him yet, be sure to say hello the next time you see him. In the meantime, we asked Seth a few questions to better get to know him and his family. When and…