KIDS UPDATE! Family Sunday. Last week was Family Worship Sunday. We wanted to share how special this was for Hope and how much we are looking forward to next month’s Family Service, April 27! Our great kids were just enjoying Pastor Dean’s talk, smiling and laughing! Wow, Look at This! During last week’s Family Service message, Evelyn Benedik, age 8, produced two…
FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE IS TOMORROW! 9AM. As we prepare to experience Jesus’ passion together next month, Pastor Dean will bring tomorrow’s message, The Prediction of His Passion from Matthew 16:21-23. The Young Adults Hope Group will host the service and children will be a part throughout. If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view…
Dear Hope,With Holy Week approaching from Sunday April 13 through April 20, one month away, I invite you to intentionally make preparations thoughtfully and prayerfully with me. This year Hope’s leaders and I long to journey with, learn from and become more like Jesus in His gentle Palm Sunday entry, purposeful suffering, sacrificial crucifixion, sovereignly timed burial and powerful resurrection. Begin getting…
SUNDAY WORSHIP 9AM. As we experience different administrative approaches in our country and beyond, this Sunday is a great time to consider the administration of our King of Kings. Join us tomorrow for the final message in The Sermon and the Mount Series from Matthew 7:24-29 entitled Astonished by the Wisdom of this Governance. If you are unable to gather with us…
TOMORROW! CALLING ALL MUSICIANS. Join us/Jamie THIS Sunday, March 2 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. We will run through three-four well-known songs together. This is not an audition for the worship band but an opportunity to see what a worship band rehearsal is like and a chance to play alongside other musicians in our community. Please let us know if you are interested.…
SUNDAY WORSHIP 9AM. Tomorrow, Pastor Dean will bring us a message, Ordinary People Can Enter the Narrow Gate for Life from Matthew 7:13–14. If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday. YOUTH. Youth Group is tomorrow – February 23 after the Sunday…
FAMILY SUNDAY 9AM! We look forward to tomorrow and having our kids in the Service with us! Worship and study with Pastor Dean who brings us a message Ordinary People Can Live by the Golden Rule in God’s Kingdom of Love. If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon…
SUNDAY 9AM. Worship with us! Tomorrow, one of Hope’s elders and Hope group leader Dan Kaskubar continues our Sermon on the Mount series. If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY. For the month of February, Children’s Ministry will be engaging…
SUNDAY 9AM WORSHIP. Don’t miss tomorrow’s worship service! Lead Pastor Dean Wertz will bring us a sermon titled Ordinary People Can Be Free from the Pressure to Impress Others in God’s Kingdom where He is Present. If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday.…
SUNDAY 9AM WORSHIP. Don’t miss tomorrow’s worship service! Pastor Dean will teach on Matthew 5:17-48 with a focus titled Ordinary People Can Cultivate Good Hearts in God’s Kingdom of Love. And – thanks to the Young Adult Hope Group for helping with tomorrow’s service! If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings…
Dear Hope, Due to Denver’s unusually cold weather with travel advisories, we will have a simplified gathering at 9 am tomorrow Sunday, January 19. Our volunteers and staff will have the morning off so there will be no children’s ministry, tech or livestream. The Wertz’s will facilitate an informal, short & sweet gathering along with coffee and hot chocolate for those who…
JANUARY 12 | 9 AM. This week Pastor Dean continues our new series on Jesus’ teaching from The Sermon on the Mount! If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY.Children’s Church. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays of the Month. Kids,…
THIS SPECIAL WEEK AT HOPETomorrow | December 22 Children’s Advent Drama & Children’s MinistryPlease join us (and invite family and friends) for our Family Service, tomorrow, December 22. On this 4th Sunday of Advent, the kids of Hope’s Children’s Ministry will be narrating and dramatizing the life of our “Upside-down King.” From his wildly unexpected birth, to the humble way he led…
Dear Hope,I have good news this Advent! Together we are making progress in all three areas of this ministry-year’s vision. First, to safely share our campus with Bloom Church, Reclamation Church, Bethel Counseling and (beginning in January) Washington Park Early Learning Center along with any other future mission-driven organizations whom we may rent to, this week we replaced the crumbling cement at…
HOPE’S CHOIR(S) RETURN! Adults! Looking to use your talent and join/form a Holiday Hope Choir? Join in and practice with us after church on December 15 and 22! Joel will provide sheet music for two Christmas songs for you to take home and practice. Also, you will receive a YouTube video list to help you get the feel for the music.Hey Kids! Children…
THIS THURSDAY | Women’s Christmas Luncheon | December 5. Please join us as we celebrate the joy of Christmas with dear friends and delicious food at Golden Corral, 3677 S. Santa Fe Drive, Sheridan, CO 80110, on Thursday, December 5 at 11:30 a.m.. You won’t want to miss this delightful annual event! There will be a sign-up sheet at the Information Booth…
2023 Turkey BowlHappy Thanksgiving Hope!Thanksgiving Morning Turkey Bowl 2024. You are invited to join us for hot chocolate, donuts, and flag football on Thanksgiving morning (weather permitting) 9:30-11 a.m. in the northwest corner of Harvard Gulch Park. This annual tradition is fun for all ages! RSVP: please sign up at the Info Booth in the Sanctuary, email Rebecca Wertz or text/call 303-601-2201. THANKSGIVING FAMILY…
WORSHIP WITH US! | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 | 9 AM. This week Dave Morlan from Fellowship Denver Church will bring us a sermon on God’s Word based on Psalm 1. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! If you are unable to gather with us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online…
Dear Hope,In 1933 Oliver M. Freeman of the National Arboretum made the first controlled cross between a red and silver maple. Since the Freeman Maple (aka Autumn Blaze) combines some of the best features of both parents, namely solid structure, attractive form and showy fall colors from the red maple; and adaptability and rapid growth from the silver maple, it was identified…
WORSHIP WITH US! | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 | 9 AM. Join us tomorrow as we begin a new series on the Bible and explore How the Bible Came to Be. If you are unable to gather this week in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday. WORSHIP! Enjoy the music…
Join us tomorrow & invite your friends and family!Sunday October 27 4-6 PMChili cook-offCostume contestGamesCraftsSupply drive* *We will be collecting the following items both in the morning at the 9 a.m. Service & at also the Fall Festival for the Denver Rescue Mission: gently used warm winter clothing (coats, scarves, hats mittens/gloves for men, women, and children in all sizes) Also needed:…
Recently, we celebrated our partnership with Washington Park Early Learning Center and…Celebrated 25 years of Hope Church! Sunday October 27th 4-6 PMChili cook-offCostume contestGamesCraftsSupply drive* *We will be collecting the following items (Sunday Oct 27 @ the 9 a.m. Service & at the Fall Festival) for the Denver Rescue Mission: gently used warm winter clothing (coats, scarves, hats mittens/gloves for men, women, and…
SAVE THE DATE | Fall Festival!Sunday October 27th 4-6 PMChili cook-offCostume contestGamesCraftsSupply drive* *We will be collecting the following items (Sunday Oct 27 @ the 9 a.m. Service & at the Fall Festival) for the Denver Rescue Mission: gently used warm winter clothing (coats, scarves, hats mittens/gloves for men, women, and children in all sizes) Also needed:: new shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable…
TOMORROW… Hope Church is turning 25! Join us after the Service tomorrow as we will be having finger foods and birthday cake. Please stay a while and enjoy visiting with each other! WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY OCTOBER 6 | 9 AM. The most important foundation of being a follower of Jesus is abiding in Him. But, there are so many questions about…
Hope Church is turning 25… Let’s celebrate!October 6, after the Service, we will be having finger foods and birthday cake. Please stay a while and enjoy visiting with each other! WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29 | 9 AM. Join us tomorrow as Pastor Dean brings us this week’s message continuing the series theme Renew our Christ-like Love based on Luke 15. If…
WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15 | 9 AM. Join us tomorrow as all ages unite for a family service. We will sing, pray and engage Luke 19:1-10 as Pastor Dean brings us this week’s message, Renew Our Christ-like Love (part three). If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also,…
Ground Breaking Ceremony!Monday, September 9 @ 7 p.m. This Monday evening, Hope and Washington Park Early Learning Center (WPELC) will be having a joint ground breaking ceremony for the West Wing renovations. Come on out and get to know the WPELC teachers and parents! Also… plan to enjoy the ice cream sundae bar. Because of the late time, and any children who…
Hope, A new month starts tomorrow and within September, autumn begins. Birds are migrating, temperatures are dropping and the walley are swimming deep. Summer for Hope included messages encouraging us to pray, invitations for all to serve, equipping volunteers, hiring our new Youth Minister, prayers to deepen our abiding in Jesus, more informal gathering in groups and planning for…
Hope Heals Camp 2024! Most people have imagined heaven—maybe inspired by a pristine view of mountain peaks, the serenity of an ocean beach, the peaceful feeling of being home, or maybe for you it’s the bustle and action of a busy city street. Being seen, loved, accepted, and valued by strangers sharing the hard road of the human experience at Hope Heals…
WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY AUGUST 18 | 9 AM. Join us tomorrow as guest speaker David Blankenship (Lead Pastor with Bloom Church) continues our August series on Prayer! If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the sermon recording here. Also, sermon recordings are available online mid-day Monday. WORSHIP MUSIC. We hope you…
Back from Honduras | A Missionary Trip Report from Kelsey Hoot!Honduras was such an amazing experience! Thank you so much for your prayers and support! My team and I experienced many incredible “God moments,” and the Lord’s presence in Honduras deeply impacted our whole team. We grew together in our faith and became closely connected as a team. I am excited to…
Vision/Budget Meeting Tomorrow All hands on deck – we need you this Sunday after the Service.After months of praying and planning, we are ready to gather tomorrow to review Hope’s vision and budget for this next year. Also, see all that is moving forward in this week’s bulletin below:The Series on Prayer, A letter from Conner Snow, Hope’s new Youth Minister |…
FOCUSING ON…. CHILDREN & YOUTH! The Children’s Wing! We’ve come so far!Let’s Celebrate – an OPEN HOUSE INVITETOMORROW, SUNDAY JULY 28 Please join us this Sunday after the service in the Children’s Wing for a tour and refreshments to celebrate the completion of the Children’s Wing safety and security renovations. All of these renovations were made possible by many generous contributions in our…
OCC and YOU! It’s Christmas in July! This week we kicked off a one-month fundraising opportunity to support our long-term partners at Operation Christmas Child(OCC). Thanks to Carol Schmidt and Joan Thacker, we had a special representative from OCC share her first-hand experience of what it’s like for children around the world to receive a shoebox and to hear the gospel for…
In case you missed last week’s bulletin AND because our Hope Kids are so (!) wonderful… we wanted to share again about our amazing kids and our Hope Kids programming! HOPE KIDS | EVENING IN THE PARKKids and volunteers from Hope gathered 2 week’s ago for a cookout, games, and crafts. We had so much fun with water balloons, bubbles, balls, and…
Dear Hope,As we seek to be a loving and faithful church, one of our summer projects is to work with some upcoming changes with Hope’s staff at the end of August to divide responsibilities into multiple volunteer roles. As this work progresses, I have enjoyed conversations with some of you who are considering bringing your experience and expertise to serve with Hope…
MENS’ CAMPING TRIPSometimes men need to be with men, doing men stuff, eating men’s grub in the great outdoors! Men of ALL ages: Hope is hosting a camping trip Friday, July 12-13 along West Creek, just south of Deckers. Dinner and breakfast will be provided. You are responsible for your lunch. If you don’t have a tent or sleeping bag, no worries.…
WORSHIP & COMMUNION SERVICE | SUNDAY JUNE 23 | 9 AM. In your life and the lives of others, what do you control? Do you control your own property: your house, your car, or your possessions? Do you control these things for someone else: a renter, a roommate, or a child? Parents, do you control other aspects of your children’s lives: where…
Dear Hope,Once again we are honored to serve as volunteers at Hope Heals Camp this summer, located just outside of Birmingham, Alabama! This year we’ll be serving for 2 weeks, from June 30 to July 12. Most of our family members will be serving as one-on-one “Compassionate Companions” who walk alongside individuals navigating disability or their typically-abled siblings. Joy will also be…
John Hansen | A Testimony A few Sundays ago, we had the privilege of hearing from a wonderful man of God. For those of you who didn’t join us on April 28, we felt this was one testimony to share in our weekly bulletin. We hope you enjoy and look for John soon to say hello and introduce yourself if you’ve not…
TOMORROW! JUNE 2 | CHURCH SPRING CLEANING DAY.Hope Family,Every year our homes need a good spring cleaning. Hope’s big home is no exception. As one of Hope’s family members, would you please consider taking a couple of hours after church on Sunday June 2 to clean? We will have many different jobs to choose from (both indoors & outside/please bring a weeder…
In the next few days, Kelsey Hoot will be heading out to Honduras to serve God in Missions with Colorado Christian University. Along with Kelsey will be about 16 others including Hope, a student at UCC, who has recently visited Hope Church! We had the honor Sunday to pray over Kelsey and those going on the trip with Compassion International. One thing…
TONIGHT | MEMORIAL SERVICE. Please join us for a memorial service tonight May 17 at 6 p.m. for Lisa and Jason Bye. A livestream will also be available here. WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY MAY 19 | 9 AM. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we come together to pray, sing, and meditate on one of the most famous and important chapters…
WORSHIP SERVICE | SUNDAY MAY 5 | 9 AM. This Sunday, Michael Miller, Pastor with Reclamation Church, will bring the next message in our study on the names of God. This week’s focus will be on God as our Healer. If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the sermon recording…
HOPE VBS | GET READY FOR A FUN FAITH-FILLED WEEKEND!June 28-30 Friday 4:30-7 p.m.Saturday 9-12 a.m.Sunday 8:30-11 a.m.* At Outback Rock VBS (Vacation Bible School), kids will venture into rock solid faith and discover God’s powerful presence in everyday life! This year’s VBS at Hope is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences that kids see, hear, and touch. The below activities help faith…
Worship Leader HighlightJoel Noble & Angelbotics | Did you know? If you visit the staff page of Hope’s website, you will read the following bio for Joel Noble: Joel enjoys serving as the Worship Leader at Hope Church, where he has been part of the music team for several years. He has over three decades of experience in playing the guitar and singing, with…
Children’s Church in Action Last Sunday, Hope had a special presentation at the end of the Service! It was a wonderful time to hear how much creative learning is going on in our Children’s Program! For the past week and for the upcoming time ahead, Children’s Church is aligning with the sermon series The Names of God. Each week, the kids are…
APRIL 7 | 9 AM. A. W. Tozer wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This Spring we will begin a new series learning several of His names made known in the Bible. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we begin with the first name God revealed in the…
TOMORROW.HEY KIDS! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS & JOIN THE FUN! Join us this Saturday March 30, at 10:00 a.m. for an exciting Easter Egg hunt! In addition to the egg hunt, we will enjoy refreshments and blessing our neighbors by making Easter cards and assembling Friendship Baskets. The event will take place at Hope Park (Colorado Ave. & Grant St). For more information, contact Becky Newquist! GOOD…
HOLY WEEK. MARCH 24 | 9 AM. This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and the first week with our Lead Pastor Dean Wertz returned from sabbatical! Join us for this special beginning to Holy Week, and be on the look-out for a fun and celebratory entrance from the Children’s Ministry at the end of our service. Pastor Dean brings us a message titled A Son’s…
MARCH 17 | 9AM WORSHIP. At the end of his first letter, Peter reassures the church that, though suffering is inevitable and spiritual attack is probable, submission is vital and salvation is eternal. This was true for the early church and it is true for us today. It is the true grace of God and we should stand firm in it. Join…
Hello Hope Church!I am both honored and blessed to have the opportunity to introduce myself to this beautiful congregation and to become a part of this loving community of faith. A little about myself: I am a student at Colorado Christian University pursuing a degree in biblical archaeology and hope to soon attain my masters in this area as well. I am…
Hey Hope & Reclamation Families – Calling all Kids: Toddlers thru 5th Grade!Join us Saturday March 30, 10 – 11:00 a.m. (and invite a friend or 2!) for an exciting Easter Egg hunt at Hope/Reclamation’s campus. Filled eggs will be scattered both outside at Hope Park and in the Sanctuary. We will have a staggered start and prizes for “big bunnies” that…
FEBRUARY 25 | 9AM WORSHIP. This week, Reclamation Pastor Michael Miller will be bringing us a message titled Loving Your Neighbor with the Power of God. The message will be about how God has given us His Spirit to love people with the power that God has supplied us with. All of us have been given various gifts to serve and care…
Dear Hope,I would like to extend an enormous thank-you to everyone who was able to attend our All-Church Meeting following our service two weeks ago, we are so thankful for your support. For those of you who were unable to make it, here are a few highlights of the information that was shared: – MembershipIn 2023, we were so happy to celebrate…
FEBRUARY 11 | 9AM WORSHIP. As those who have tasted that the Lord is good, how should we respond when we are being accused, persecuted, hurt or despised? The difficult answer is to bless those who are doing evil to you! The apostle Peter shares from a life of following Jesus how to do this in 1 Peter 3. Having the gentle…
Dear Hope,As our Elder Chairman, Dan Kaskubar, explained, I will begin a 6-week Sabbatical this Monday, February 5. Rebecca and I wish to thank our loving and supportive elders, kind and hardworking staff, trustworthy preaching team and all of you for this opportunity for renewal. We will pray for you and look forward to returning briefly for the service to thank God for…
JANUARY 28 | 9AM WORSHIP. The believers Peter was writing to were experiencing persecution and rejection from the world and culture around them. They had been dispersed throughout the ancient world and were living as exiles in foreign lands. Peter understood persecution and rejection, as he had personally been beaten, threatened, punished, and put in prison for preaching the Word of God.…
JANUARY 21 | 9AM WORSHIP. What can you do when you feel overwhelmed by the chaos around? On Sunday, January 7, we discovered Jesus’ guidance in 1 Peter 1:1-2 to meditate on God’s grace and peace. Join us this Sunday as we discover a second insight to help us remain peaceful within and gentle toward others from 1 Peter 1:3-25! Pastor Dean…
WEATHER UPDATE | JANUARY 14 | 9AM WORSHIP. Service Simplified Due to Cold Temps Due to the sub-zero temperatures, windchills and icy road conditions throughout metro Denver we will give our staff and volunteers the morning off by simplifying and shortening our typical Sunday service tomorrow January 14. Rebecca and I will be at the church to greet and facilitate an informal…
JANUARY 7 | 9AM WORSHIP. What does faithfulness in this 2024 election year look like amid our diverse, divided and chaotic world? What should you say or not say when others declare ideas that are opposed to God’s ways revealed in the Bible? How should you love your neighbor, co-worker or classmate when they are openly hostile toward Christ? A first-century-bold proclaimer…
Dear Hope,Thank you for abiding in Jesus, loving one another, serving neighbors and investing in Hope throughout 2023 The final day of this year is a day of worship, Sunday December 31. In light of this special close to 2023, I encourage you to Join us at 9 a.m. this Sunday for our final service of the year which will focus on…
The Season I Love to RepeatBy, Sharon Withers Today, as I write this, is gray and overcast, a perfect Winter day, quiet and still. The trees, stripped to the bones, show off their true structure, emphasized by the hoarfrost. Nature is resting and awaiting the advent of spring. The Church celebrates seasons as well, and Advent may be my favorite. It is…
Thank you to everyone (near and far!) who participated in our Giving Tree to bless 3 families in need at Asbury Elementary school this Christmas! Collectively, we gifted 12 special gifts for children, and 8 gift cards to cover the cost of a Christmas meal for the families. The light of Jesus shines brightly through your time and generosity. The PTO at…
THERE’S STILL TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE! If you are looking for an opportunity to bless kids in a local school this Christmas season, please stop by our Giving Tree in the foyer. There you will find ornaments labeled with a gift or gift card for a specific child or family at Asbury Elementary, who otherwise might go without…
1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT | 9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | DECEMBER 3. C. S. Lewis wrote, “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him.” Yet the fast pace of December can easily crowd out our experience of God’s presence. May this year be different! Join us at 9 a.m. each Sunday this month…
9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | NOVEMBER 26. The Future is something we don’t control. For some it is something to look forward to. For others it is something to fear. As disciples of Jesus we have a future to be hopeful and excited about – Heaven! But, we are not there yet. How can we live well now with our heavenly future in…
You are invited to join us for hot chocolate, donuts, and flag football on Thanksgiving morning (weather permitting) starting at 9:30 – 11 a.m. in the northwest corner of Harvard Gulch Park. This annual tradition is fun for all ages! RSVP: please email Rebecca Wertz or text/call 303-601-2201. Happy Thanksgiving, Hope! 9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | NOVEMBER 19. Continuing our series, The Relevance…
Dear Hope, Many of you have the privilege of knowing Pauline and Woody Haines. I have not until a recent phone call and a friendship that developed in just a fraction of an hour. A few months ago, Dean asked that I reach out to meet Pauline, hear her recent journey with cancer and share her story with you – a story…
Fall Festival & Coat Drive: A Success! Dear Hope, I would like to personally extend an enormous thank-you to everyone who joined us for the Fall Festival this past Sunday. This year was even more amazing than last year, in no small part due to our our partnership with Reclamation Church (who rents the Sanctuary on Sunday evenings). We saw a lot…
Our Fall Festival is Sunday! Please invite friends, family & neighbors! 9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | OCTOBER 29. The identifying symbol for Christ and His followers is the cross. A vertical and a horizontal beam. Engraved in marble, forged from gold, embossed in leather, carved from wood and suspended before worshipers. Like the silhouette of an electric chair, a hangman’s noose or a guillotine,…
Dear Hope, This Sunday we are having a bake sale after church! Hope, we need you to donate baked goods and be ready to purchase some amazing treats! Why? We have already packed 189 Operation Christmas Child boxes for this year, but now we need to raise money to ship the boxes. We still need to raise $1,250.00 to be able ship all the boxes.…
Dear Hope, The room was quiet for a long time. Minutes earlier I had said to those in our living room during Wednesday night’s Hope Group gathering, let’s pray for Israel in light of Hamas’ surprise attack last weekend. Let’s pray for the families of those who were killed, the hostages, the declaration of war, the Palestinian civilians living in Gaza, wisdom…
9AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | OCTOBER 8. For many, Christianity is a religion of rules. Endless lists of dos and don’ts that prove to us that we don’t measure up cause us to despair. In fact, if we’re honest it often causes us to draw back from God and Jesus. Some may participate because it is “the right thing to do,” but this…
YOUTH IN ACTION (LITERALLY!) Earlier this month, Hope Youth Group welcomed a rowdy group of students into our space to have an amazing night of Laser Tag! Not only did many of our regular students attend, but every student that came brought at least one friend from school (Foster Cupp brought four!) making our group a total of 16 students (all guys!),…
Dear Hope, Our past 5 Sunday’s have been meaningful as we worshiped God and imagined becoming a church that blesses kids, involves everyone in our services, invites and welcomes friends, hosts small groups so everyone can be loved & cared for, and where all experience financial peace. Thank you for joining and participating in so many ways! This coming Sunday we will…
Hope Heals Camp, Hoot Family Recap God gave Joy a phrase several years ago that reflects a reality our family has learned and experienced as we have spent time living in the community of disability. “Belonging cultivates the belief we are beloved.” At Hope Heals Camp the shared sorrow of disability created a sense of belonging. Something special happens when…
Over the past several years, Hope has intentionally implemented training, systems, and policies that promote whole-child safety. Hope has been invited again by a local church to attend a vetted workshop focused on child sexual safety. On Saturday, September 30th, St. John’s School and Church is hosting the Parenting Safe Children Workshop by Feather Berkower. We have the opportunity to come together…
NEXT MINISTRY YEAR VISION / BUDGET. Thank you so much to everyone who prayerfully considered our next ministry year priorities and finances, gave input, and voted on our budget. More church members participated in this important process than ever before and our budget has been unanimously approved! If you missed our vision and budget presentation, you can view the video recording, beginning at…
For the past few week’s Hope’s Children’s Ministry has been collecting donations for a local elementary school that serves a range of needs. What a joy it is for our children to experience giving in this way. Great job kids! Keep on the lookout for future opportunities to share love to our neighbors! And thank you to everyone who contributed to this…
Dear Hope,We believe Jesus guides His people into newly imagined meadows today as he did for our ancient friends along Galilee’s shores in the first century. His path is available to all who will ask, wait and listen. So, asking and patiently listening has been our church’s role this spring and summer. As promised, our Enthroned Jesus has been fulfilling His role…
A Great Celebration! Hope would like to extend an enormous thank-you to everyone who attended Jay’s Celebration BBQ this past Sunday. It was wonderful to have nearly 75 people join us – both from Hope and from Jay and Marti’s extended community of family and friends! There was an enormous amount of food, dessert, fellowship and joy as we all shared important…
9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP & COMMUNION | AUGUST 6. Loneliness is a desire for human connection while feeling isolated. According to studies from the University of Chicago Medical Department, there is a connection between loneliness and health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diminished sleep quality, increased inflammation and decreased viral immunity. This Sunday, let’s explore God’s life-giving plan that displaces loneliness with…
Pastor Jay Oertli and his wife Marti Oertli SAVE THE DATE! This summer our beloved Pastor Jay Oertli decided to make a shift from a staff position at Hope to a volunteer position. In order to help celebrate this transition and Jay’s many years of service on our staff, we will be holding a BBQ on Sunday, August 6 at 6 p.m. More details…
Dear Hope, Since returning from our family’s summer break in Ontario, Canada, Rebecca’s and my excitement has been growing for what God has in store for Hope during this upcoming ministry year (Sept. ’23 through Aug. ’24). After seeking God collectively for insights re what is going well and what needs improvement by surveying Hope’s members and those in Hope Groups…
Hope Campus Continues to Improve… Reclamation Church (who meets on campus on Sunday nights) volunteered recently and wow – we love the new mulch at Hope Park and in front of the church! Thank you so much! 9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP & COMMUNION | JULY 9. By better understanding the ancient Israelite sacrificial system, we can better comprehend the tremendous…
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES ♥ LET’S HELP THE HOOT FAMILY | BAKE &/OR PURCHASE BAKE GOODS! This Sunday, June 25, we will have a Bake Sale before and after church to assist in sending the Hoot Family to Hope Heals Camp. Please plan on helping out Sunday by purchasing goodies (a great gift idea!). And, you still have time to bake and contribute.…
New Mini-Series Begins Sunday! The message of Hebrews is clear: Jesus is better! He’s better than anyone or anything else we can put our faith in! But why was the author of Hebrews inspired to share this message? Why did the church who received it need to hear it? Some members of the church were persevering and holding firmly to their faith…
Bake Sale to send the Hoot Family to Hope Heals Camp Children’s Ministry is coming along side Ethan and his family to help raise funds for them to volunteer at Hope Heals Camp this summer. Volunteers for Hope Heals pay their own way to serve other families living with disability for a life-changing Christian family camp experience. Please consider signing up…
SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: YARD WORK. On Sunday, June 11, directly after our Sunday Gathering, we’ll have a service opportunity to make our campus more welcoming, hospitable, and enjoyable for our church, the other churches that meet on our campus, and the neighbors that use Hope Park and pass by: we’ll be pulling weeds, replacing old mulch and torn weed cloth, re-burying drip lines,…
Thursday Night Worship @ Hope! Hope would like to welcome you to join us for a Worship Music Evening held every Thursday in the Sanctuary from 7 – 9 pm (the next gathering will be Thursday, June 1). This will not only be a rehearsal time for Sunday mornings, but a time for ANYONE who wants to sing, play instruments, and worship…
9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | MAY 21. We’re busy. There are so many things we have to do to keep our lives running. They were busy. There were so many things the people of Judah had to do restart their lives and keep them running when they returned from Babylon to Jerusalem. God knew it. He knew they were busy. He…
Missionary Update Don and Janet Guizzetti, are missionaries at the Oasis of Hope in Burkina Faso. They are feeding 160 hungry, mostly orphans, sharing the Gospel with strangers to Jesus, and teaching marginalized women job skills. They and their staff all share the love of Jesus with “the least of these.” The Guizzetti’s returned to the USA last week to speak of…
Out of town during a Sunday Service? Or want to share an impactful sermon with a friend? All our services are available online! If you miss a weekly bulletin or need to reach a staff member at Hope, find all this information and more at! It’s your 24/7 resource for sharing, giving, and growing! 9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | APRIL 30.…
Next up in our Knowing God study are 3 messages from the time of Israel’s Exile.Don’t miss this new 3-week mini-series! 9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | APRIL 30. Join us this weekend for worship and praise! Also, Dan Kaskubar will bring us the first sermon in our mini-series on Israel’s Exile. Worship in person, via livestream or view the recording here. HOPE GROUPS. This Sunday’s Service will be…
Don’t miss Sunday’s Service as we conclude our series Knowing God: Israel’s KingsThe Message of the Prophets: We Were Meant to “Run on God” 9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | APRIL 23. God has always been speaking to the human race, calling us, inviting us, challenging us and communicating His desire for us to be with Him. In fact, He made us to…
Dear Hope,Recently we had the privilege of having Becky Walker, our remote staff member from Tampa, FL with us in Denver for the first time in over three years. So, our staff (with the exceptions of our Worship Tech Coordinator Jon Koneman and Children’s Ministry Intern Kelsey Hoot) were all together. Pictured here from left to right: me, Prayer Coordinator & Facility Use…
EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP. From His childhood through His crucifixion on Good Friday, Jesus interacted with children, women and men from all walks of life. Heaven conversing with ordinary people like you and me. Then, He died for the sins of the world and His lifeless body was placed in a tomb. Silence. Sadness. Despair. What was to come – an arisen King…
PALM SUNDAY WORSHIP. The most important question ever posed was asked by the people of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Regarding the colt-rider, they asked, “Who is this?” Join us for this Sunday for our Palm Sunday Celebration at 9 a.m. as we sing, pray, celebrate communion and consider Jesus’ lionhearted-world-transforming answer! Lead Paster Dean Wertz will be bringing…
SUNDAY WORSHIP | MARCH 26 | 9 AM. We do not choose our relatives but we do choose our friends. God gives us the responsibility of selecting our inner circle. Like quality antivirus software we must be vigilant to let the right people in and keep the wrong people out. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. for our monthly family service as…
SUNDAY WORSHIP | MARCH 19 | 9 AM. David was a hero. He defeated the villain and led the people to victory over the enemy. But David was human. And, like every human who has ever lived but one, David failed. He failed terribly. He sinned greatly. And his story reminds us that human heroes, even the best of them, fail. But one…
. Aurora Hope Group Celebrates Purim Day! With Easter approaching fast – have you ever wondered about other Old Testament celebrations and what those are like? Well, this past Sunday – March 5 – the Aurora Hope Group held a very special Old Testament celebration, a Jewish feast called Purim Day! Purim is a Jewish holiday…
Dear Hope,What an amazing all-church journey we are on through 2023, discovering (and rediscovering) the great stories of the Bible! This Sunday we will turn the page into a new phase in Biblical history. We began on January 1 in Genesis 1 by looking at “The Beginnings.” Then, we considered “Israel’s Formation” from God’s call to Abraham & Sarah through the mostly-dark…
Hope’s Missions TeamAnd you will say in that day:“Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name,make known his deeds among the peoples,proclaim that his name is exalted.Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously;let this be made known in all the earth.”Isaiah 12:4-5 One of the main missions of Hope Church is to To Provide Hope in Jesus’ Name…
Dear Hope, When was the last time you read the Book of Judges? To prepare for this week’s focus, here are some interesting facts about this amazing part of God’s Word.Author: Tradition considers Samuel to be the author of Judges, but we do not know this for certain. Judges 1:21 seems to indicate the book was written during the days of king…
SUNDAY WORSHIP | FEBRUARY 12 | 9 AM. Have you ever read the 24 chapters of Joshua? If not, I encourage you to read the fast-pace-dramatic reports of God’s powerful presence empowering Israel to acquire the land He promised to their ancestors. Heads up, you will also notice that for Israel to receive her inheritance of land, the Canaanites have to be…
Dear Hope, Did you know that a few new and exciting next steps are happening in our Children’s Ministry? After many years of faithful leadership with our Children’s Ministry, Anna McMichael handed the baton to Becky Newquist last year. Thank you, once again, Anna! What gave Becky the sense that this was God’s next step for her was a vision to see…
Song for ContemplationIn the upcoming weeks we will introduce the below worship song Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me by CityAlight. As we focus our hearts on what Christ has done throughout the story of the Israelites, what might God be telling us about what He wants to do in and through us? Think about the words of…
SUNDAY WORSHIP | JANUARY 22 | 9 AM. “Life Happens” is an often-heard phrase when we try to explain difficulty, pain and setbacks people face in life. Sometimes when “life happens”, the deeper and often unspoken question asked by those who have faith (and even those who don’t) is “Who is this God that allowed….or caused….or didn’t act in time?” We see…
Dear Hope, When needs arise beyond what our own families, friends and Hope Group members can assist with, we have an amazing group of people ready to assist! Our Care Team includes Paul and Lissa Barr, Ardetta Paul, Tanya Koneman, and Pastor Jay and Marti Oertli. Recently, Pastor Jay shared, “There are a wide variety of needs and opportunities to serve those…
Great is Thy Faithfulness! As we begin this New Year, 2023 is the 75th anniversary of our West Wing! So many children, women and men have heard and believed the Good News of Jesus, worshiped God, prayed, enjoyed meals, played games, and snacked on animal crackers (and spilled a few) since this beautiful space was thoughtfully designed and carefully constructed in 1948 by…
NEW YEAR. NEW SERIES. 9 AM NEW YEAR’S DAY SUNDAY WORSHIP | JANUARY 1, 2023. Why do I exist?Where do I fit in the story? Is there more? This year we will consider these and other important questions. Join us this Sunday January 1 at 9 a.m. to sing, pray and start the New Year with a new series through the stories…
DECEMBER 24 | CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE | 6 PM. We are so excited to gather with you on Christmas Eve, this Saturday, December 24 at 6 p.m. to celebrate the coming of Jesus! Please consider inviting friends and family to this special evening. If you are not able to join in person, please click here for the 6 p.m. livestream.…
YEAR-END GIVING | HOPE NEEDS YOU! Dear Hope, Thank you to all of you who give to Hope throughout the year and give extra offerings in December! During our last ministry year (Sept. ’21 – Aug. ’22), 54 households gave consistently. This is incredible. Reflecting back to last December ’21, 34 households contributed year-end gifts. We were in great need and many…
150+ OCC BOXES | THANK YOU HOPE!This Holiday Season we are so proud of the many people from Hope who dove into Operation Christmas Child and gave from their heart. You gathered gifts, donated funds, and spent hours packing boxes so that children around the world would have a blessed Christmas and learn about Jesus. This year we collected over 150 boxes.…
Dear Hope, Our Advent Journey began last Sunday and will continue through the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. Advent is a Latin word meaning, “coming” so through the centuries and around the world, many in the Christian Church honor this period of preparation for to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas while also anticipating His future next coming in glory.…
TODAY… TURKEY BOWL! You are invited to join us for hot chocolate, donuts, and flag football on Thanksgiving morning (weather permitting) starting at 9:30 a.m. in the northwest corner of Harvard Gulch Park. This annual tradition is fun for all ages! RSVP: please email Rebecca Wertz or text/call 303-601-2201. Happy Thanksgiving Hope! 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT | NOVEMBER 27 | 9 AM.…
Dear Hope, It’s been a month and a half since you welcomed me back from my 6-week sabbatical. I remain refreshed and increasingly grateful to God for all of your love, support and encouragement to take that significant and renewing break! With time to reflect, my reasons for gratitude have grown including, but not limited to… The wisdom and guidance I’ve received from…
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD | PACKING PARTY THIS SATURDAYNovember 12 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Calling all volunteers to join us in the Commons (enter through the NW door on Colorado Ave.) to help pack shoe boxes with donated items and prepare them for shipping worldwide to children in need! Lunch will be served, and many hands are welcome (great activity to invite…
Fall Festival 2022 Hope Church would like to extend an enormous thank-you to everyone who attended our Fall Festival last Sunday! Everyone who attended was abundantly generous in sharing their great food, great smiles, much laughter and the joy of the Lord. Congratulations to our Costume Contest Winners: Larry and Luanne Hasbrouck as Almond Joy and Mounds (Adults), Foster Cupp as a…
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD!Interested in partnering with Operation Christmas Child? *** This year, Hope Church is offering a few great ways to get involved *** Bake Sale – Sunday, October 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Join us for a community bake sale to help raise funds for shipping boxes! Volunteers can bake a tasty treat and bring it packaged and…
Each week, in the bulletin below, we offer the opportunity to serve others through an important local effort. Community Ministry’s main mission is to meet the basic needs of individuals who are experiencing economic hardships and related problems.Jesus said, when you feed the least of these, it is like feeding Him Himself! What an amazing chance we all have to give to…
9 AM SUNDAY | OCTOBER 9. This Sunday, we welcome back our Lead Pastor Dean Wertz from his sabbatical! In order to reconnect as a community, Dean will be leading our congregation in a time of sharing words of encouragement and testimonies of the work God has been doing in our lives. Then, next week, Dean will continue us in our study…
9 AM SUNDAY | OCTOBER 2. Please join us this week for worship as we welcome Dave Ward who will continue our study of 1 Corinthians. Click here for the livestream or Service recording online. We look forward to seeing you Sunday! HOPE GROUPS. Maybe you’ve been thinking about joining a group… ? We’d love to connect with you! Click here for more information!…
“I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved.” I Corinthians 10:33 9 AM SUNDAY | SEPTEMBER 25. Last week we studied Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthian church to prioritize loving others by not exercising personal freedoms when love and freedom conflict. This week we will study the reverse:…
“All of us possess knowledge. This knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.”I Corinthians 8:1 9 AM SUNDAY | SEPTEMBER 18. We’re Christians. We’re people of deep conviction; primarily about the Lordship of Christ but also about lesser things, even things that Scripture doesn’t directly address. When we believe that we’re free to do something that another Christian believes is wrong or…
Hope Website! Big news on the communication/technology front… we are excited to announce that this week we updated our website with not only a fresh look and navigation, but packed with encouraging scripture & a meditative online experience! It is our hope that those searching for a church home will learn about Hope, but more importantly, be introduced to a closer…
9 AM SUNDAY | SEPTEMBER 4. Two weeks ago, Lead Pastor Dean Wertz established the problem of disunity in the church – both in the church in Corinth, and in the world today. Last week, Elder Rob Cupp gave a message on how exalting Christ as our King and surrendering our love to Him can bring us together again. This week, we…
THANK YOU! Last Saturday morning many of you volunteered to serve alongside our partners at Church of the Risen Lord. Friendships were formed, weeds were removed, hedges were trimmed, lawns were mowed and their campus was beautified. You showed up and Jesus served through you – thank you Hope! This week we received the following note from their pastor, Dennis Noble. “Dear everyone…
6-Week Sabbatical Dear Hope, Sabbaticals are built into Hope’s Lead Pastor’s role each 5 years for the purpose of rest and refreshment. I’m writing to let you know that the elders have approved a six-week sabbatical for me from Sunday August 28 through Saturday October 8. I am grateful to our elders, staff and all of you for loving and caring for my…
Hi Hope! This Sunday we will worship God and begin a new series entitled In Christ in Culture through 1 Corinthians. The preaching team and I are excited to share what we’ve been learning about living in Christ while living in our contemporary world from this letter from Paul to his generation and ours. We hope you can join us in person or online…
“Freely you have received; freely give.”Matthew 10:8 9 AM SUNDAY | AUGUST 7. Our community is committed to growing, gathering, giving, and going together. Each of these commitments is crucial for us and our church to thrive, especially giving. Giving honors God and empowers Hope to meet the material and spiritual needs of families within our community and within the communities of those we…
9 AM SUNDAY | JULY 31. Within Hope Church we are united in our commitments to grow, gather, give and go. The primary reason why we do these things is because Jesus included these habits in His life, and He summoned us to do the same. Of the many times when Jesus would “go” to love people, this Sunday we will consider the account…
“Freely you have received; freely give.”Matthew 10:8 9 AM SUNDAY | JULY 24. Our community is committed to growing, gathering, giving, and going together. Each of these commitments is crucial for our church to thrive, especially giving. Giving empowers our leadership and our congregation to help meet the material and spiritual needs of families within our community and within the communities of those we…
“And all who believed were together and had all things in common.” Acts 2:44 9 AM SUNDAY | JULY 17. Have you ever wondered if going to church is really that important? Coming out of the Covid-19 Pandemic, our world still feels more isolated, and it’s more and more common to stay home, work from home, and even “church” from home. This week we discuss…
Dear Hope, After playing basketball for the Heritage Nationals, I transferred to a new middle school where I joined the Calvin Tigers. It was the same game with a different coach, different players and a new playbook. Over time, many of us experience more than one church. Christian churches have the same Lord Jesus Christ. Most churches have the same vision for…
9 AM SUNDAY | JULY 3. Let’s be honest, “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” is a big ask. Participating wholeheartedly in Jesus’ Great Commission is a big investment of time, money, and energy. So much so that many who do eventually burn out. However, there are also many who endure for years, decades, even lifetimes co-missioning with Jesus. How do they?…
The Harvard Gulch Hope Group put 3 relay teams together to participate in the Colorado Triathlon in Boulder recently. What a joy to celebrate individual and group accomplishments, work together as a team, and appreciate the gifts of life and health in God’s stunning creation! By God’s grace, there was no drowning, flat tires, or sprained ankles and there’s already whispers of doing it again next…
9 AM SUNDAY | JUNE 19. Last week we learned that Hope Church’s mission comes from Jesus when He declared, “make disciples of all nations.” In this next message, we will discover how we all can join Jesus and His followers around the world in this great purpose in a way that is life-giving and authentic, through abiding in the presence of Jesus while…
For the next two Sunday mornings, Pastor Dean will preach on the mission of Christ to make disciples. Join us as we receive this reminder and consider how we can join with Jesus and his followers around the world in this great mission! 9 AM SUNDAY | JUNE 12. While most organizations engage in a process to solidify their mission statement, the church does…
June 6-10 | Eagle Lake @ Platt Park Church Hey parents, Eagle Lake is right around the corner! Click here for camp details, registration and scholarship information. 9 AM SUNDAY | JUNE 5. Have you ever wondered what a Christian is actually supposed to do? After hearing the message and invitation of Jesus, believing in Him, having an ‘ah-ha!’ awakening… it can be hard to know…
Dear Hope, In light of Tuesday’s tragedy within Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas; we feel deep sorrow for the victims and their families; anger toward the shooter; dismay with many factors that contributed to this and other similar assaults; concern for students and teachers everywhere; gratitude for those who acted to protect; and a sense of duty among all facilitators of…
GRADUATES. This week, Hope would like to formally recognize and celebrate our graduates of 2022! Congratulations to Hannah Grover, Kelsey Hoot, Joseph Wise, and Ty Jennings for graduating from high school this spring, and congratulations to Josh Shanks for graduating from college! We will be praying that God continues to bless you with abundant life as you take your next steps. 9 AM SUNDAY…
Mark Your Calendar: Upcoming Children’s Ministry Volunteer Appreciation and Resourcing Event! All current Children’s Ministry volunteers, their children, and anyone interested in volunteering with Children’s Ministry are invited to a gathering after the service Sunday, May 22 from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. at Hope Park. This will be a time of sharing testimony of what God is doing in the lives of…
This week our sermon focus will progress from Jesus’ message about the Kingdom of Heaven to Jesus’ invitation (and, therefore, our invitation) into His Kingdom. So, Arik will begin our new mini-series entitled, “Our Invitation” this Sunday May 8 with a focus on the summons to “believe.” Then, Dan will share a clear and helpful way to communicate the Good News (Gospel)…
JOIN US THIS SUNDAY EVENING | MEMBERSHIP HUDDLE It’s time for our next quarterly Huddle, and this time we welcome the beautiful Colorado springtime! Join us Sunday, May 1 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm outside for our Spring Membership Huddle 2022. This quarter we are holding a picnic-style Huddle held outside in Hope Park. We’ll have time for worship, prayer, yard games, music,…
9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | APRIL 24. When Jesus came to earth, he proclaimed, prayed about and demonstrated that there is another reality which he called the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. His central message about the kingdom is that children, women, and men can experience the presence and power of God in everyday life through faith in himself, the kingdom’s King.…
Please join us for a month of special services and events as we celebrate our Almighty King! 4/14 Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. (Facilitated by Bloom Church) 4/15 Good Friday Service 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. (Facilitated by Bloom Church) 4/17 Easter Sunday Service 9 a.m. | The Resurrection of Our King 4/24 Sunday Service 9…
Please join us for a month of special services and events as we celebrate our Almighty King! 4/10 Palm Sunday Service 9 a.m. | The Triumphal Entry of Our King 4/14 Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. (Facilitated by Bloom Church) 4/15 Good Friday Service 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. (Facilitated by Bloom Church) 4/17 Easter Sunday Service 9 a.m. | The…
Hope has an amazing next month planned! We would love for you to be a part of what God is doing as we lead up to Easter Sunday and beyond! 4/3 Sunday Service 9 a.m. | The Power of Our King 4/10 Palm Sunday Service 9 a.m. | The Triumphal Entry of Our King 4/14 Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.…
9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | MARCH 27. Throughout March, our messages have proclaimed Jesus’ relational priorities of loving God, loving neighbors, and loving one another. This week, we will conclude with a proclamation from John’s famous love passage (I John 4:7-5:4). From this passage we will learn what to do when we don’t feel very loving toward others. Please join us Sunday at…
9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | MARCH 20. Our families can teach us a lot about ‘tough love’. Being a part of a family often requires loving those who drive us nuts, and enduring hardships together in a way that’s totally unique from any other type of relationship in our lives. After having explored what it means to love God and love our neighbors,…
9 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP | MARCH 13. Do you have a longing to someday, somehow do something outside the status quo to make a difference for others who are not yet a part of God’s family? If so, join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. to discover Christ’s passion to bring hope to the hopeless, to identify possible barriers keeping you from doing…
This Sunday we worship and begin a new series on what Jesus has to say about relationships. According to our Lord, the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbors. In addition, He gave a third and new commandment to love one another. Do you ever feel unworthy of God’s love? Do you ever wish you…
DON’T MISS THIS SUNDAY’S MEMBERSHIP WINTER HUDDLE! Membership Huddles are worshipful, fun, and meaningful quarterly gatherings of all Hope’s members, those interested in becoming members, and anyone fully committed to our community. The 2022 Winter Membership Huddle will be at Hope this Sunday, February 27 from 6-7:30 p.m. This quarter we will be celebrating our kick-off of Membership Renewal and our Lead Pastor…
And He said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’Exodus 33:14 SUNDAY WORSHIP 9 AM | FEBRUARY 20. As we continue learning the biblical origin and present application of Hope Church’s values, our third value is God’s peace. When we receive God’s presence and guidance in every area of our lives, we also receive God’s peace. Jesus…
MEMBERSHIP WINTER HUDDLE 2022 | YOU’RE INVITED! Membership Huddles are worshipful, fun, and meaningful quarterly gatherings of all Hope’s members, those interested in becoming members, and anyone fully committed to our community. The 2022 Winter Membership Huddle will be at Hope on Sunday, February 27 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. This quarter we will be celebrating our kick-off of Membership Renewal and…
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL SUNDAY. This Sunday is Membership Renewal Sunday! Join us for the Sunday gathering at 9 a.m. during which we will include a special call-and-response style, public declaration of our faith in Christ, commitment to each other, and commitment to Hope Church. If you are currently a member and haven’t renewed, it is not too late to fill out the digital renewal…
DON’T MISS THIS SUNDAY’S MEMBERSHIP WINTER HUDDLE! Membership Huddles are worshipful, fun, and meaningful quarterly gatherings of all Hope’s members, those interested in becoming members, and anyone fully committed to our community. The 2022 Winter Membership Huddle will be at Hope this Sunday, February 27 from 6-7:30 p.m. This quarter we will be celebrating our kick-off of Membership Renewal and our Lead…
WELCOME BEN REID! Welcome Ben Reid, Hope’s new Worship Leader! Ben is a Junior at Colorado Christian University where he is presently studying Biblical Studies. He is originally from Oklahoma (has been there for his whole life ) prior to coming to Colorado for school. Ben loves everything about Colorado from the weather to the traffic! Ben recently said, “I hope to…
This week is our Family Worship Sunday!Kids remain in the sanctuary to learn and worship alongside their parents. MEMBERSHIP CLASS THIS SUNDAY. This January is Membership Renewal Month. If you are currently a member and you’d like to renew your membership online, you can view our questions and fill out the form here. Be sure to renew before Sunday, February 6 – which is…
YEAR-END GIVING | THANK YOU! Throughout December we shared Hope’s financial need and asked everyone to consider helping the church with end-of-year gifts and renewed commitments to give consistently in 2022. Regarding giving consistently in the New Year, please continue to pray about this and join us if you are so led! Concerning end-of-year gifts, many of you were led to trust God…
Throughout 2021, we reflected on the truths and resources God has given to Hope since our church-merger-beginning in 1999. The truths entrusted to us have been compiled in a new document called Hope’s Playbook and they will be this year’s church-wide focus for our kids, youth, Hope Groups and preaching. Last week we began a 5-week series entitled, “Abide.” Join us this Sunday,…
Throughout 2021, we reflected on the truths and resources God has given to Hope since our merged-beginning in 1999. The truths entrusted to us have been compiled in a new document called Hope’s Playbook and they will be this year’s church-wide focus for our kids, youth, Hope Groups and preaching. So, please begin the New Year with us this Sunday, January…
MERRY CHRISTMAS HOPE! 6:30 PM CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP & CELEBRATION. Adolphe Adam composed the melody for O Holy Night in 1847. The music was originally written for a French poem entitled, ‘Minuit, chrétiens’ (Midnight, Christians). Eight years later, in 1855, John Sullivan Dwight translated the French poem into the well-known English lyrics we sing today. Join us at 6:30 p.m. this Christmas…
ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE GUIZETTI’S We have been blessed to receive a heart-felt letter from Don and Janet. Here is an excerpt: “Because of you, families hear the word of God during formula and food distribution and women in the sewing program read the Bible and sing songs of praise to the Lord. Your support puts printed Bibles and audio New Testaments in…
CHRISTMAS EVEPlease join us to celebrate Jesus’ birth on Friday, December 24 at 6:30 p.m. Our Christmas Eve service will include singing, candle lighting and a brief message from Dean Wertz. Invite friends and bring your family. YEAR-END GIVING | HOPE NEEDS YOU! Thank you so much to those who are giving to Hope! We now need everyone to consider joining with us in…
ADVENT SUNDAY | WORSHIP 9 AM | DECEMBER 5. Have you ever made a plan that went entirely different than you expected? How do we respond when the things we want and expect out of life don’t happen? Or when the Lord calls us to something different than what we planned for ourselves? This second Sunday in Advent, Tara Farrell brings us…
GRATITUDE. More than ever, I am thankful for each of you in Hope. You have walked faithfully through so many unexpected challenges this year and you have loved your family members, neighbors and so many in our Hope family (including our family and me) through your Spirit-led kindness, notes, meals and encouragement. May God bless you and your household on this day of…
SUNDAY WORSHIP 9 AM | NOVEMBER 21. Everyone needs encouragement. So join us Sunday morning at 9 a.m. when, in addition to worshipping God together, we will receive personal encouragement from the last paragraph in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and learn how to better encourage others! We will gather in person and online/live and recorded service) as Pastor Dean brings us the…
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Donations are in! We have been able to purchase many items that were needed to contribute to this weekend’s Packing Party. We look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday, November 13, (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to pack boxes, share some food and have fun! This year’s gathering will be open-house style, so stop on by (or stay all day!).…
SUNDAY WORSHIP 9 AM | NOVEMBER 7. God created life. But sin created death. And the inevitability of death is troubling. We have a variety of ways of coping with this reality, of protecting our minds from fearing it. We deny the inevitability of death or rationalize it to try to lessen its burden. But none of these things actually prevent it or…
HOPE KIDSWelcome Riley Barrett & Thank You Anna McMichael! In the midst of many recent transitions at Hope Church, we are so thankful to have found an intern who has as much love, light, and laughter as Riley Barrett! Riley is the newest addition to Hope Church’s staff and officially started on October 10 as our Kids Ministry Intern. Riley is currently…
CANCELED | SUNDAY EVENING MEMBERSHIP HUDDLE. For several reasons, we will not gather for our first all-church Membership Huddle this Sunday evening. Please mark your calendars for our next one on Sunday, February 20 at 6 p.m.! SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | October 17. Jesus reigns and He is near to all of His followers. Yet, when difficulties come, it’s natural to…
Pastor Dean provides a Hope update in the video above. Have a wonderful day! SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | October 10. How do you know what is true? In the “information age”, where we have constant immediate access to the media, it can be difficult to untangle the objective reality from our limited knowledge and personal experience. In his concluding message to the…
Hope is privileged to partner with nine families, individuals and organizations who are taking the love of Jesus to locations around the world. We support these partners through giving and prayer. Chris and Beth Steiner have served in South Korea, Taiwan, and Nicaragua. Now they help to manage the worldwide Word of Life ministry from the U.S. They invite and train people…
Sunday Invite from Pastor Dean | Kids, God is For You! SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | SEPTEMBER 26. God loves children and so do the people of Hope. Since the kids will be with us throughout this 4th Sunday Service, Pastor Dean will bring a shorter and kid-relevant message entitled, “Kids, God is For You!” from Ephesians 6:1-4. Parents, this message will encourage…
SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | SEPTEMBER 19. Sometimes we disagree with people we love. This difficulty can cause sleepless nights, stomach aches, avoidance, anger and sometimes even slander. Last week we learned from Ephesians 4:1-16 that God’s vision for the church is unity, not uniformity. In this coming message, from Ephesians 4:17-32, we will begin to discover God’s guidance on how to be…
SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | SEPTEMBER 12. Imagine a deeply unified people. What would it look like for people with legitimate differences to eagerly maintain unity in a community of peace? Christ envisions His followers to be this unique group and in this message, we will learn how He summons us to think and live together that it may be so! Worship in…
SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | SEPTEMBER 5. Why pray if God is sovereign over all? Why pray when time is limited and there is so much work to be done? Why pray if God already knows everything including what I will converse with Him about? After writing to the church in Ephesus about the awe-inspiring and freshly revealed gospel of Jesus, the Apostle…
SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | AUGUST 29. When something happens in life that we simply can’t explain – how does this affect our faith in Jesus? This week, we read Paul’s important reminder that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a beautiful and wondrous mystery, revealed to us in the present age, and worthy to be shared with the entire world. Even…
SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | AUGUST 22. Jesus is available for all. Everyone who follows Jesus becomes united in realities that surpass the divisions among us. This week’s message celebrates some of these realities and then includes a conversation with Seth Slay, Hope and Bloom’s Worship Leader, about the people of God uniting as a community of praise. Worship in person or online…
Considering Baptism? SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | AUGUST 15. God has a beautiful vision for the Body of Christ and beautiful work for each person in the body to accomplish. The problem is that often we forget where we came from. We used to be completely dead in our spirit, doing only what our bodies desired and our minds could conceive. But,…
Operation Christmas Child Testimony Invite from Andy Benedik SUNDAY SERVICE 9 AM | AUGUST 8. Many people pray. Who we pray to and what we pray for makes all of the difference. As Paul writes to the church in Ephesus, he expresses his thanks to God for them following Christ and then he shares with them what he prays for them. What…