Have you ever hurt someone? Has your influence ever damaged another? To avoid rending relationships, destroying people, and leaving this world worse than how you found it, join us at 9 am this Sunday to worship God and hear a warning from the harmful life of Rehoboam, Israel’s third king.
From His childhood through His crucifixion on Good Friday, Jesus interacted with children, women and men from all walks of life. Heaven conversing with ordinary people like you and me. Then, He died for the sins of the world and His lifeless body was placed in a tomb. Silence. Sadness. Despair. Join us at 9 a.m. this Sunday as we celebrate one of the many gifts from our Resurrected Savior, the ability to once again, hear His voice!
The most important question ever posed was asked by the people of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Regarding the colt-rider, they asked, “Who is this?” Join us for this Sunday for our Palm Sunday Celebration at 9 a.m. as we sing, pray and consider Jesus’ lionhearted-world-transforming answer!
We do not choose our relatives but we do choose our friends. God gives us the responsibility of selecting our inner circle. Like quality antivirus software we must be vigilant to let the right people in and keep the wrong people out. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. for our monthly family service as we consider the life of Solomon who wisely declared, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm” yet failed to live accordingly.
David was a hero. He defeated the villain and led the people to victory over the enemy. But David was human. And, like every human who has ever lived but one, David failed. He failed terribly. He sinned greatly. And his story reminds us that human heroes, even the best of them, fail. But one hero who is more than human never will.
What kind of person does God look for when an important work needs to get done? When Saul failed to accurately represent the Lord as Israel’s first king, God chose a new servant whom others overlooked. Join us this Sunday for our second message from the era of Israel’s Kings. We will discover an often-overlooked virtue that always catches God’s attention when He looks for someone through whom He can do significant things!
Be careful what you wish for. Many of us look at the world around us and desire to have a different life in some way, and the Israelites were no different. They wanted to be like the other nations around them and have a human king rule over them. They asked, and God graciously gave them what they wanted – even though it wasn’t the best for them. Over the history of Israel there were good kings, but none of them were as good as God was. In our lives, we must be careful what we demand and ask for from God…we might just get what we want.
Have you ever been in a difficult season where you didn’t know what to do? When it was hard to hear God’s voice or you felt distant or without guidance? How do we walk faithfully with God during times of hardship and despair? This week, Tara Farrell brings a message on story of Ruth and Naomi and how their boldness and courage brings them through tragedy and suffering – and how God is faithfully working with us and for us no matter what.
Our 2023 journey through the Bible brings us to a tragic chapter in God’s story recorded in the Book of Judges. Why did the grandchildren of those who saw God part the Jordan River, bring down the walls of Jericho and halt the sun and moon at Gibeon abandon the Lord? Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. to worship God whole-heartedly and learn how we may influence future generations to love, serve and delight in the Lord.
Have you ever read the 24 chapters of Joshua? If not, I encourage you to read the fast-pace-dramatic reports of God’s powerful presence empowering Israel to acquire the land He promised to their ancestors. Heads up, you will also notice that for Israel to receive her inheritance of land, the Canaanites have to be defeated and die. Why is this? Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider and respond to these frequently asked questions about God in the Old Testament. Is God unjust? Is God prejudice? Is God cruel?