"Abiding" Tagged Sermons

What Should We Do With The Ten Commandments? | Exodus 19:16-20

When someone mentions THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, deep feelings often arise. “Yikes, I can’t recount all 10.” “I’m guilty because I don’t measure up.” “I guess I’m in trouble because I can’t measure up.” “Yes, whew, I’m very devoted to living by them.” “Why did they remove them from the courthouse? Are you kidding me!?” What should we, who seek to abide in Jesus, think about and do with the 10 Commandments? Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider God’s dramatic presentation of these laws and discover the role they played in Jesus’s earthly life, and now in our own!

A Blueprint for Abiding | John 14:26-27

If your house was burning down, and everyone was safe, but you had a few minutes to save one thing – what would it be? You’ve probably been asked this kind of hypothetical question before as a get-to-know-you or team-building exercise. That’s because whatever someone chooses to save reveals a lot about what they value most in life. In our final message on the Values of Hope Church, Tara Farrell will show us how God’s Presence, Guidance, and Peace are by far our most valuable possessions as Christians because they serve as the foundational blueprint for how to abide in Christ.

Abiders Glorify the Father | John 15:1-11

The Westminster Confession is a document of the church from 1646 that states so much of what we believe in.  The opening statement in the Westminster Confession says, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” This is God’s vision for your life as revealed throughout the Bible. So what does it mean to glorify God, how can we glorify God, and how is glorifying God forever united with joy? Join us Sunday to discover Jesus’ answers to these crucial questions! 

Abiders Bless the World | John 15:1-11

Fruit is a blessing to the world. So, it is God’s chosen metaphor for the good that He does in and through you as you abide in Christ. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. to learn how to abide in Christ in a way that produces genuine fruit for the world’s good, your joy (as we learned through Arik’s message last week) and God’s glory!

The Joy of Abiding | John 15:1-11

Happiness comes and goes as circumstances change but joy transcends all circumstances, and Jesus wants his followers to experience it. He taught us to abide not only to enact God’s redemptive plan for the world and to glorify the Father, but so that we can fully experience His joy. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. in person or online as we worship together and learn how we can each experience Christ’s immense joy.

Cultivating Our Union with Christ | John 15:1-11

Have you ever thought that a close relationship with God is for others but not a real possibility for you? This thought is familiar to most of us. Yet, Jesus came to bring us into union with God in a way that is personal and real. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. in person or online as we worship God and learn how to cultivate an abiding relationship with Jesus, our True Vine!

Kids, God is For You! | Ephesians 6:1-4

God loves children and so do the people of Hope. Since the kids will be with us throughout this 4th Sunday service, Pastor Dean will bring a shorter and kid-relevant message entitled, “Kids, God is For You!” from Ephesians 6:1-4. Parents, this message will encourage your children to abide in Jesus in various ways, including through obedience and honor toward you so if you are in town, join us as God’s family unites to worship and receive His wisdom for our everyday lives.

Walking and Abiding with Love | John 15:1-17

Is there a recipe for walking closely with God in today’s world? Jesus mastered walking with His Father and He seeks to teach His disciples to do the same. What He taught was relatively simple: You stay close when you obey and do what Jesus, Our King, commands. Jesus has and will command many things, but specifically He repeats the command that we “love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). So, we walk closely with God when we obey Jesus Christ’s example and command to love each other as he loved us. 

Seeking God’s Face – Part 1 | Psalm 27:1-14

David has a stressful life. He had every reason to be down, give up and not move forward. Yet, something about him had strength, hope and confidence. He kept seeking and looking to his True Stronghold, God Himself. As he did this, his strength was renewed and he was able to see what God saw in David and in the World. May we all seek, wait and hope on God like this!