"Abiding" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Knowing Christ | Matthew 7:21-23

Whether we realize it or not, experiencing life with God is the hunger of every human soul. Though there are a variety of ways people throughout time have sought to connect with God, in this section of Jesus’ discourse on the hill, Jesus clarifies that intimacy with Him precedes ministry for Him when it comes to stepping in to life with God now and for eternity.

Kingdom Fasting | Matthew 6:16-18

As we continue to study Christ’s Kingdom Manifesto in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus continues to challenge His hearers with the challenge to do things for God Himself, not for the reward of man. He using the Spiritual Discipline of Fasting to show that a heavenly reward is much better than an earthly reward given my people.

Encounter Jesus at Work & at Breakfast (part 2) | John 21:1-14

Imagine living with God every day all day. What would this look like? What if you knew God was with you at work, at mealtime and everywhere in between? After His resurrection Jesus revealed Himself in a variety of ways to His followers. In this 2 part message we reflect on the day when the resurrected Jesus shows up to help His friends at work and then invites them to a shoreline meal over a charcoal fire. While Jesus gave many instructions, here’s one He doesn’t want you to overlook – “Come and have breakfast.”

A Disciple Abides in Jesus | Matthew 4:19b & John 15:1-11

“Disciple” is the word Jesus used to describe His followers. “Disciple” is used over 270 times in the Bible to describe those who live a Christ-centered life. So, what is a disciple? In this 3-week series we are reviewing Jesus’ 3-fold description of a disciple according to Matthew 4:19. Last week we learned that a disciple “follow Jesus.” In this message we discover that a disciple also “abides in Jesus.” If you want to honor God, experience His presence in your daily life and join Him in His mission to heaven-ize the world, this message will encourage you whether or not you would presently describe yourself as a disciple of Jesus.