Sermons on Advent 2017

Advent 4: Desperate for a Savior | Luke 2:1-7

We know the nativity story. But the iconic scene we imagine is incomplete by itself. It’s a picture framed by the hardship and pain of Mary and Joseph and of the people of Israel for the centuries that came prior. By observing the sorrow, we see the joy all the more clearly. The tyranny of empires and the death of our Savior make His birth, His resurrection and His return all the more powerful.

Advent 3: He’s a Shepherding God | Micah 5:2-5a

Though God made us to live abundantly, everyone in every generation wanders from His best. About 700 BC, God’s people drifted far away and even the kings and priests weren’t able to bring them back. Yet, a prophet named Micah announced that from Bethlehem a leader would come who would shepherd God’s people back in the strength and majesty of the Lord. On this 3rd Sunday of Advent we celebrate Jesus’ coming and are invited to return to Him, the Good Shepherd who alone can restore our abundant life! (To view the video included early in this message see: )

Advent 2: He’s a Prevailing God | Genesis 32:22-31

In today’s ancient story we find Jacob succeeding and happy after taking advantage of his naïve brother and tricking his failing father. Isn’t this the way it goes? Dishonesty pays. A subtle manipulation gets the handshake, the promotion and the good life. Yet, what if the good life could be better? On this second Sunday of Advent we discover that satisfaction, happiness and power are for those who strive, but joy, peace and love are afforded to those defeated by and surrendered to an All-Prevailing God.

Advent 1: He’s a Gracious God | Genesis 3:1-21

On this first Sunday of Advent, we begin in the beginning. The Triune God created the heavens and the earth and then He made His children to live with Him. Yet, temptation invaded, and for the first of many times His children exchanged joy in their Maker for something else. How would God respond? How would He deal with His children after their first wandering? His reaction in the garden, in His later advent and today is consistent. He’s a gracious God!