Sermons from September 2016

3. Listening to God: A Speaking King | I Samuel 3 & John 10:27

Does God speak to us today? How you answer this question will set your life on one of two paths. In this message we explore some of the ways God’s voice has been heard in the past and we consider the possibility that everyone (young and old, spiritually disconnected and spiritually mature) has the ability to hear God’s voice because Jesus is a King who speaks yesterday, today and forever.

2. Listening to God: A Relational King | Matthew 8-9

Unlike most rulers, Jesus did not have security guards to shield him from the people. Rather, He came low to bend His ear and share His words with ordinary people. A man with diseased skin, a woman with fever, violent homeless men and a grieving father all received visit, experienced a conversation and were changed by Jesus. In this message we discover that the One who is exalted at the Father’s right hand still comes near, converses with and can change our lives forever.

1. Listening to God: A Listening King | John 12:49-50

Today we begin a new series entitled, Listening to God: The Way of Jesus in a Distracting World. In our noisy world it can be difficult to sustain attentiveness to anyone or anything. Yet, the way of Jesus is the way of listening to God and others. Throughout His life, Jesus remained in tune with the voice of His Father. So, all of us who have signed on to be His apprentices can learn from Him how to hear God’s voice in the midst of a busy and distracting world.

Throwing Stones | John 8:2-11

Whether it be throwing stones in Bible times or more subtle forms of condemnation in the present, we are inclined, as fallen human beings, to judge others without fully considering ourselves. In contrast is Jesus, the only one truly qualified and justified to throw a stone. Yet, He chooses mercy and grace.