"Jesus is Lord" Tagged Sermons

The Relevance of Christ’s Deity | John 8:48-59

Jesus proclaimed many astounding things throughout his ministry but the most astonishing—the most controversial—was his claim that He, a human man, was also the divine Son of God. Some responded to this proclamation by trying to silence Him. Others continued listening to Him, believed His claim, and amplified it. Jesus’ claim is relevant to us today because, when we recognize its significance, we too must decide whether to silence Jesus or to amplify Him. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. to worship Christ, pray as he prayed, and respond to his claim of deity. Our message this week (from Executive Pastor Arik Stewart) is titled The Relevance of Christ’s Deity and is based on John 8:48-59.

Persevere in Faith | Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:1-4

The message of Hebrews is clear: Jesus is better! He’s better than anyone or anything else we can put our faith in! But why was the author of Hebrews inspired to share this message? Why did the church who received it need to hear it? Some members of the church were persevering and holding firmly to their faith and some of them were drifting and falling away from it, but all of them needed this reminder that Jesus is better and an explanation of how he’s better. They needed it so all of them would persevere in their faith even when it was difficult, even when drifting away from it was easier. We need this message for the same reasons. Are you holding firmly to your faith? Are you falling away from it? Over the next six-weeks a variety of preachers will encourage you to persevere by God’s grace because, truly, Jesus is better! This Sunday, Executive Pastor Arik Stewart will share our first message entitled Persevere in Faith from Hebrews 1:1-2:4. If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the recording here.

Palm Sunday: Why a Crowd, Palms and Hosanna? | John 12:12-19

Crowds gather for sporting events, national holidays and religious ceremonies. Why did they prepare, come together and shout Hosanna for a traveling Rabbi riding a colt during on the Sunday preceding the Jewish Passover? Beyond reporting the events of Palm Sunday, the Apostle John shares the basis for the gathering on that day. It is for this reason that we continue gathering, waiving branches and re-orienting our lives toward the One to whom every knee will one day bow.

Make Disciples | Matthew 28:16-20

As fall approaches many things are changing in our world, nation, city, church and lives. To the first disciples in a season of change and to us, Jesus declares that He is our amazing all-powerful King who has a phenomenal purpose for us to carry out as well live in union with Him.

Encounter Your Designer | John 21:15-25

Imagine the frustration of an eagle trying to swim or a dolphin longing to fly. Each and every creature of our God and King is designed for a unique purpose. Do you know why He created you? Have you received your calling? In the final encounter in John’s Gospel Jesus reminds and clarifies His calling for two men. In so doing, it’s as if He is saying to all, “Come and get clear on your unique purpose.”

Encounter Your Lord and Your God | John 20:24-29

After Jesus was resurrected, He appeared to the disciples, but Thomas was absent for this momentous event. He requested to see the physical body of the risen Jesus in order to believe, but his greater question wasn’t about receiving physical proof, it was about whether or not Jesus is God. He asked the same question that we and others have asked of Jesus for the last couple millennia: who are You to me? The answer: He is our Lord and God.

A Disciple Follows Jesus | Matthew 4:19a

Throughout history the word used to describe those who worship and center their lives on Jesus is disciple. The New Testament describes Christ followers as disciples over 270 times. The mission Jesus left to His church is to, “make disciples of all nations.” So, what is a disciple? In this 3-week series you will discover Jesus’ 3-fold description of a disciple according to Matthew 4:19. If you long to honor Jesus, live with Jesus and ultimately join Jesus in His mission on earth, this messages will guide you whether you or not you would presently describe yourself as a disciple of Jesus.