Sermons from April 2015

Acts 2:1-13 | Suddenly There Came from Heaven a Sound

Throughout the Scriptures God promised to pour his own Spirit into his people. The eternal presence of God would one day come to live in us, be with us and empower us to joyfully tell others about God and his mighty works. While on earth Jesus also spoke of this “promise of the Father.” Then, 10 days after Jesus ascended into heaven,…

Acts 1:12-26 | The Scripture Had to be Fulfilled

Disappointment comes from unmet expectations. Like everyone, followers of Jesus know how difficult life can be when things don’t go as we expect. Does God see? Does He care? As we study what happened in the 10 days between the ascending of Jesus to heaven and the descending of His Spirit to earth we discover that there is something about God that we need to learn in this world of disappointments. Before we head into Acts 2 (next week, hopefully) we must first discover God’s plan and vantage point in order to walk faithful in the midst of unmet expectations.

Jesus Himself Stood Among Them (Luke 24:36-49)

We all drift from God at times. After 3 years with Jesus, the events leading up to Jesus’ death caused the disciples to drift away. Yet, when Jesus rose from the grave He came to His disciples in peace to restore them and empower them to rejoin Him in His mission to change the world. For all who have wandered from God, the good news for the disciples on that day is also great news for us on this day.