"peace" Tagged Sermons

Grace and Peace to You | 1 Peter 1:1-2

What does faithfulness in this 2024 election year look like amid our diverse, divided and chaotic world? What should you say or not say when others declare ideas that are opposed to God’s ways revealed in the Bible? How should you love your neighbor, co-worker or classmate when they are openly hostile toward Christ? A first-century-bold proclaimer faced similar tensions in his generation. So, Jesus trained Peter to be strong amidst opposition with a Christ-like presence. Join us this Sunday January 7 to worship God as we begin our new study, “Gentleness – a beautiful way in a chaotic world” through Peter’s first letter!

A Blueprint for Abiding | John 14:26-27

If your house was burning down, and everyone was safe, but you had a few minutes to save one thing – what would it be? You’ve probably been asked this kind of hypothetical question before as a get-to-know-you or team-building exercise. That’s because whatever someone chooses to save reveals a lot about what they value most in life. In our final message on the Values of Hope Church, Tara Farrell will show us how God’s Presence, Guidance, and Peace are by far our most valuable possessions as Christians because they serve as the foundational blueprint for how to abide in Christ.

God’s Peace | Exodus 33:7-14

As we continue learning the biblical origin and present application of Hope Church’s values, our third value is God’s peace. When we receive God’s presence and guidance in every area of our lives, we also receive God’s peace. Jesus told us that God’s peace differs from the world’s peace. How does it? And how can each of us and all of us experience it for the first time or to a greater degree?

Fruit of the Spirit – Part 1 of 3 | Galatians 5:22-23

With so much uncertainty around us, wouldn’t it be nice to experience more of God’s love, joy and peace? These three qualities are the first of nine described by the Apostle Paul as Fruit of the Spirit. They are also realities Jesus experienced throughout His time with us on earth. This week, we discover how to receive and more fully experience these God-given virtues.

Listening To God’s Voice | Matthew 7:7-11

He was “born a child and yet a king.” So the Sermon on the Mount is His vision for the King’s kingdom – how things look when everything goes according to His way. This vision includes an ongoing conversation between God and His people that leads to His glory and our peace. His path to divine peace, revealed in Matthew 7:7-11, is a gift for all as we head into the New Year and beyond!

I Heard The Bells | Isaiah 9:2-7

The Christmas Hymn, “I Heard the Bells” was originally a poem written in 1863 by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. With the country in civil war, Henry’s son heading off to fight against his wishes, the death of his first wife followed by a recent house fire which killed his second wife and left his face permanently disfigured, Longfellow knew sorrow. Yet he, like the prophet Isaiah and Jesus himself, also knew God’s peace. On this 2nd Sunday of Advent we discover how God’s people can experienced divine peace in the midst of deep anguish.

How Relational Anxiety Dies | Matthew 7:1-6

Alexander the Great is credited for saying, “The more I get to know my neighbor, the more I love my dog.” Relationships are hard because they cause conflict and conflict is hard because it causes anxiety. As we know, God made us to experience people and peace. In this part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares God’s brilliant approach for sustaining relationships and tranquility. For this wisdom, we give thanks to God on this Sunday before Thanksgiving and every time we begin to feel the honest and painful emotions of Alexander the Great.