Sermons from August 2018

The Vineyard: from Vision to Fruition | 2 Corinthians 9.6-15 (Cheerful Giver)

Paul makes it clear in this text that the condition of our heart is what’s most important when we give financially. Our community has landed on the Biblical vineyard metaphor in regard to our 3 key priorities for this new ministry year, and our vision is that we all bear abundant spiritual fruit for the Lord’s glory and for our joy. This is an appeal to cheerfully respond to the opportunity to significantly invest in bringing the church’s vision to fruition, as we seek to be a community on mission together.

A Long Walk in the Same Direction | Psalm 1

For the 1st time in history a tent can be delivered tomorrow, popcorn can be enjoyed in 2 minutes and a movie can be viewed in 10 seconds. Immediacy reigns. Yet something beautiful, mysterious and rich is present when we see a couple in their 70’s walking hand in hand or a riverside tree bearing fruit in its old age. In God’s kingdom, immediacy happens but consistency reigns. Relationships with one another and (according to Psalm 1) with God, require a long walk in the same direction.

United in Hope | Selections from Revelation 21-22

Last week Arik was led to remind us that we are a people of hope. We have a God-given picture of the future that effects how we live in the present. Today, we consider how God sent Jesus to ignite hope in His generation and how the church, as the body of Christ, when prioritized by all who are a part of it, has the privilege of continuing to provide hope in our generation until He comes again!