Beyond praise, what does God want us to talk with Him about? The Lord’s Prayer is Jesus’ answer to this question. After teaching that prayer is a genuine conversation with God, Jesus now relays some of the subjects God loves to discuss with His children. To more fully enjoy life with God in His kingdom, we meditate on the Lord’s prayer not to say it mechanically, but to converse with our King relationally.
Why does God command us to praise God? Many wise people ask, “Isn’t the desire to be seen and worshiped egotistical?” In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus explains that God’s vision is for prayer to be a genuine conversation with God and the first subject Jesus guides us to include in our conversation with God is praise. In this message we explore why it is loving, not egotistical, for God to call us to praise and we consider practical ways to praise Him when we are alone and, on this 20th birthday of Hope Church, when we gather.
When Jesus conversed with the Father it was in genuine conversation about realities occurring in real life. Those around Him who thought prayer was formal or formulaic were invited to disappear from sight having been freed from the need to impress others in order to speak freely with God having been freed from a mechanical process to impress God. This kind of genuine conversation is still available to all who rely on Jesus and afford themselves to the way of genuine relationship and conversation in His kingdom.
Prayer is a conversation with God. Anything other than conversing with God is something other than prayer. In this move in the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus is coaching us on how to experience God throughout each day, we discover His practical guidance for secret prayer. Spoiler Alert: Secret Prayer is an essential habit for all desiring to experience the daily intermingled life with God in His kingdom.
As Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount, He builds on what being “perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” means. Doing righteous things is a natural outcome of living in awareness of the Kingdom and participating as a part of it, but Jesus us warns us that our motives must also match The Father’s and not get caught up in the response and reaction of others. Jesus is asking His listeners “where do you want your reward to come from?”
The bumper sticker reads, “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.” Jesus says, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” – WHAT? Is this God’s standard? In this message we discover that this is not a summons to perfectionism but God’s vision for us to become all He created us to be as we live with Him today, tomorrow and forever.
If you have ever felt excluded, Jesus’ Beatitudes are GREAT NEWS! Those who don’t fit elsewhere are included among those who belong with God in His family. Rather than telling us how we need to behave to receive the good life with God, the Beatitudes are God’s declaration that all who embrace Jesus as Lord (King), including those who are excluded elsewhere, are welcomed into God’s home and invited to His table.
What shall we do when we feel stuck and discouraged? Moses’s transformation from despair to hope shines a light on how all of God’s children can awaken to receive God’s gift of hope in times of difficulty. Even more helpful, Moses points us to the One “greater than” himself who lives in hope and inspires hope. In Christ alone, our hope (a good feeling awakened by embracing God’s plans for the future) is found!
Moses was pleading with God to go with him and Israel on their journey. God relented and said he would not only go with them, but provide for them rest and peace. As with Moses, God provides us with layers of peace. Personally, Relationally, Corporately and Ultimately. And only in God himself can we find the peace and rest we long for!
The compass, map, owner’s manual, Siri and the Bible have this in common – they show the way. Yet, better than a map is a guide. In this 2nd message in our August series entitled, Gifts for God’s Children, we see Moses’ prayer for direction as well as God’s plan to be his and all of His children’s personal guide in this life and the life to come!